Trisch’s Transformation

Trisch’s Transformation

Have you ever heard the expression:

“A faith that has not been tested, cannot be trusted.”?

Have you ever been in the presence of a person whose faith has been so profoundly tested, that they seem to live in a state of continual trust of God’s mercy and faithfulness, at all times?

Forti-fy team member Trisch Richardson is just such a person! Trisch has known the heartbreaking sorrow of burying an infant son, came close to losing her husband in an accident that occurred just weeks before she gave birth to her 8th child,  and has walked through numerous health challenges, both with herself and her children. She is a woman immersed in the word of God, trusts in His faithfulness continually, and is simply a delight to be around, as she always has an encouraging word to share!

Today Trisch shares her health journey starting way back to when she was one of those girls we all envied in high school – you know—the one who could eat anything without gaining an ounce – – even when she was in France for her junior year abroad in college, eating generous amount of French pastries, her friends would joke that she could never join the “fat thighs” club. Then……fast forward 26 years and 9 kids later, she felt that she could be president of the club!

My struggle with being overweight and tired escalated after my husband’s serious accident right before our 8th child was born in October 2004…..Then my dad’s mental decline and concerns for my mom’s health……along with a c-section for our 9th in October 2006….. resulted in major hormonal imbalances that made it impossible to lose anything. I was a size 22W and lost hope that I would ever lose the weight.

At that point a friend shared with me an exercise program she was doing, In spite of not being really athletic or “loving” exercise, I started it and actually saw progress for the first time! After losing several sizes, I was ready to address my eating.

In our quest for better health, some of us address eating first while others come through the exercise door. I was the latter. With the brain fog and a big family, it was too overwhelming to overhaul our eating. As the fog cleared and I had more energy, I researched and tackled healing gut issues in our family with the GAPS diet (Gut And Psychology Syndrome-read here).

It is low-carb, taking out all grains and starchy veggies, and the Intro phase is brutal! But we powered through it, got over the “carb-detox” phase and after 6 weeks, we were all feeling better. I had two daughters specifically whose issues were the worst, and it was wonderful to see many of those clear up! We had set a goal to do the strict portion of the diet for 6 months and then transition off, depending how we were all doing.

During this time I was also training to be a T-Tapp trainer, and in hindsight my body was giving me clues that I was ignoring. I know “low-carb” is very prevalent today and many have found great help in doing the various low-carb eating plans out there. I did too, for a time. What I now know is that I needed more carbs, but I was feeling “so good” at that time I was actually afraid of losing my good health. And, unfortunately, since I ignored my body’s signs, I did just that!

During my trainer certifications I was soooo tanked—I chalked it up to the stress of certifying, traveling to get there, preparations, etc. Thankfully I didn’t go into a full-blown adrenal crash! I deal with hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue along with low ferritin, and have had times where I needed 3 naps a day just to function! I was grateful that at that time I didn’t go that far…but I still set myself back in the fatigue department. I had gotten down to a size 4 which was TOO small for me! In fact, I don’t like my “trainer picture” because of that, and I can tell by looking at my eyes that I was not well.

As we transitioned off of GAPS, I tried to keep important elements of it going—bone-based broth, good fats and fermented foods. I had figured out what had happened and tried to keep “good carbs” in my eating plan as well. I gained a few sizes back and felt better.

A few months later I developed a mysterious condition where I would be violently nauseous and sick every few months. During that time I realized that I was getting too focused on the fat-carb-protein ratio and needed to take a break totally from focusing on eating. My mother had an undiagnosed eating disorder—to the point that she only weighed 68 pounds when my dad died! While I love to eat 🙂 and didn’t think that would be a temptation, I realized the obsessive focus on “eating healthy” was just as serious.

I still made and drank bone broth and ate good fats, but I quit focusing on the ratios and just tried to make good choices without overthinking it. I definitely was an emotional eater (and sometimes still struggle). God was working on me at a much deeper level, and I needed to let that healing take place first.

In 2016 menopause was looming but I felt I was in a good place, starting to make good, healthy choices and being consistent with exercise, when my husband unexpectedly needed open heart surgery–on my birthday, no less! That pushed me over the edge and between the hormonal changes, stress, transitions with children leaving home, I ballooned up 3 sizes. I was still not a 22W—thankfully! But I struggled to get back on track with eating.

This spring I started working with a fellow T-Tapp Trainer who is also a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I had mentored her for T-Tapp—now it was her turn to “mentor” me with the eating! 🙂 I told her I needed baby steps—no cold turkey like with GAPS. I couldn’t afford to crash my adrenals again! Her mom deals with thyroid issues, too, and has had great success, so I knew she would understand my needs as well. She doesn’t use a “one-size fits all” approach—which I appreciate!

For years my kids did the cooking, and to be honest, the thought of trying to figure out healthy meals that would work for a still-somewhat-big-family (7-9 people at home) overwhelmed me. Then my practitioner told me about a WONDERFUL resource in Cassy Joy Garcia’s website Fed and Fit.

I tried some of her free recipes on her website and was sold! I bought her cookbook “Cook Once, Eat All Week”and now I LOVE cooking! I love trying new vegetables and ways to cook them. The meals are flavorful, healthy and don’t use expensive, weird or hard-to-find ingredients, either. My kids love it when it’s “my turn” to cook—and I do too!

Cassy does have more Paleo recipes on her blog, but this cookbook is not 100% Paleo, although she shares tips to make it so if you wish. All recipes are gluten free. I don’t really follow one strict “eating plan”–just wholesome foods prepared well! I try to rough guess to make sure I’m getting enough good fats and carbs along with protein, but I don’t obsess about it anymore.

It’s a slow process—dealing with hormonal changes, stress and transitions in family sometimes send me to the chocolate aisle! But I pick myself up, get back into the Word and worship, get back on track and keep moving!

T-Tapp and Cassy Garcia’s cookbook have revolutionized my life! I never thought I would enjoy cooking healthy this much!

I realized just how much things were changing when I saw these pictures side-by-side! The one on the right was taken February 2019 and the one on the left was 6 months later in August 2019. No size loss, no pound loss, minimal inch loss—yet I look better because things reshaped and I can tell the inflammation is down in my face and body! A picture truly is worth 1000 words!

If I had to give a label to the way I eat, I would call it gentle changes or “Small Steps to Success”. As you make one good change and it becomes a habit, you can add another. I found this doable, and it sticks. It’s much easier to get back on track when life gets busy or throws you a curve ball. For those who find overhauling everything at once or planning meals daunting, check out Cook Once Eat All Week  by Cassy Joy Garcia. It might just revolutionize your eating, too—and make cooking healthy FUN!

Editor’s note: Make sure you check back next week when Trisch shares how her T-Tapp journey lead her to become a Master T-Tapp Trainer and landed her being featured in a major women’s magazine!

You can check out Trisch’s webiste here:


Donna’s Transformation

Donna’s Transformation

Whenever I think of Forti-fy team member Donna Reish, there is one thought that always comes into my mind: “The Energizer Bunny”… nothing outlasts the energizer…it keeps going and going and going. It is known as “The ultimate symbol of longevity, perseverance and determination.”

Yep, that’s definitely Donna!

Donna is one of the most prolific writers I know on the art of all things encouragement – diet, child rearing tips, tricks, organization, working-from-home, low carb cooking, efficiency, and motivation. She has a bit of experience on these things after being married for 38 years, having 7 kids, 6 grandkids and 2 more on the way!

And…She also is a curriculum writer and teacher!

Do you see the Energizer Bunny, now?!

Here she shares how she and her husband Ray have lost over 200 pounds!

The Fasting and Eating Protocols That Have Led to My Husband and I Losing Over 200 Pounds Together

My husband and I have finally (after 40+ years of “dieting”) found the combination of food and eating changes that works for us! Even though we are heading towards sixty years old!

I have created an outline and video for you to explain our journey. Click below to start the video!

A. How We Began Intermittent Fasting

1 .Donna
a. Two years ago this month; heard you could eat whatever you wanted and still lose weight
b. Had been doing plant-based supplements for two years and had turned around many health issues and went off several medications (med-free!)
c. Had been doing food changes and movement changes gradually over previous ten years and had lost 50 pounds with 65 pounds to go
d. Was tired of limiting carbs and trying to do keto with little success

2. Ray
a. Had been doing plant-based supplement for one year and had turned around many health issues and went off all medications and had lost 15 pounds with 120 to go
b. Two years ago December 5th
c. Couldn’t dance
d. Next day began fasting to dance with me!

B. First Year of IF

a. Enjoyed eating carbs again!
b. Began OMAD (one meal a day)
c. Two-three weeks in, could fast for 18 hours a day with little hunger
d. Discovered benefit of lowering insulin and making it easier to not eat as much junk food
e. Discovered that when insulin is lowered each day, your leptin (satiety hormone) goes up—and you can hear it better when you don’t eat six to twelve times a day
f. Discovered that when fasting, you can control the hormone grehlin and hear when you are full much sooner
g. The combination of lowering insulin, raising leptin, and lowering/hearing grehlin made many changes happen naturally

i. Less hunger
ii. Less willpower needed
iii. Fewer cravings
iv. Able to control total intake
v. Able to reduce processed foods (circular results—fasting made me eat fewer processed foods; eating fewer processed foods made me able to balance
my hormones and fast better and eat more healthfully)

C. Second Year of IF

1. Changed our eating dramatically

a. Naturally happened
b. Few processed foods in the house
c. Sugar dramatically decreased (no sugar protocol except for planned occasions)

i. Stopped focusing on this macro being bad or this one being good and instead focused on real foods with all macro combinations
ii. 4 to 10 fruits and vegetables a day—starchy, non-starchy, low cal, higher cal….just real

2. Was able to implement a “decide ahead of time” eating approach

a. Deciding the day before what I would eat tomorrow
b. Simple since I only eat twice a day
c. Takes 1-3 minutes
d. Not numbers—just foods I will eat and when

3. Discovered “Hungry Brain” by Dr. Stephan Guyenet

a. My Trifecta
b. His teaching on dopamine spikes
c. Tested the “stretching out of treats” and it worked!
d. Now I know that if I reduce my treats, I will want fewer treats

D. Future Plans and Protocols

1. Keep tweaking until we reach our weight goals

a. Goals—15 pounds for Ray; 17 pounds for me
b. What does fasting look like for someone who weighs what I weigh and has the set point/genetic factors that I have?
c. What does eating look like for someone who weights what I weigh and has the set point/genetic factors that I have?
d. How will I think? What thoughts lead to weight management success at our ages and our history

2. Keep moving!

a. Muscle the number one factor in senior health
b. Muscle allows you to eat more food—which is a big factor for people in their 50’s and 60’s—they simply can’t eat much to weight their ideal weight

3. Continue helping others

b. Two new books

i. Worth the Wait to Lose the Weight
ii. Weight Loss Lifestyle: How We Became the Minus 230 Pound Pair

c. Weight loss coaching

d. Free materials

i. IF start up charts
ii. Free sugar-free book, Sugar-Free Solutions
iii. Free webinar
iv. Free video training each week in FB group:
v. Email me at [email protected]

If you are interested, I have a free webinar that starts tonight at 8:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

Click on photo to sign-up!


Wake to the Wonder

Wake to the Wonder

I just posted last week that Ann VosKamp’s devotional, One Thousand GIfts, has been one of my all-time favorite books – it is very well worn!

This morning, I saw she is starting a free online bible study on Novmeber 18

I just wanted to spread the word, as I am fairly confident that it will be an encouragement to all us to put our minds and hearts into a place of thanksgiving – as we seek the wonder all around us.

“Awaken to the wonder of now – the wonder of the small. Staying awake to this one wild and beautiful life.”

Consider checking it out!


Heather’s Transformation

Heather’s Transformation

When I first moved here 14 years ago, Forti-fy team member Heather Kemerly lived right around the corner from me. I was like a stray puppy that ended up at her door several times a day via phone – constantly saying, “Can you help me?!”   I had just given birth to my 8th child and she had just given birth to her 9th (she added 4 more over the years). And even in all that busyness, this is a woman who taught me all about canning, sewing, cooking, the best places for just about anything, the best natural way to heal about anything, the cheapest place to buy anything and the hardiest camper I have ever met. Rain, shine, snow. We have always shared a passion for all things health and nutrition!

Here she shares how she has found a way to optimal health, starting with a recent post she made on Facebook:

My eating style currently is best described as clean keto with intermittent fasting. I have a carb up day once a week or so, depending on what is going on in my life at the time and how I am feeling. When I say carb up, I mean good higher starch carbs like sweet potatoes, potatoes, or even cauliflower pretzels (which have cassava flour in them). On these days I may eat 100-150 grams of carbs. I fast every day for anywhere from 13-16 hours and usually twice a month I do a 24 hour fast. I started eating according to the the Trim Healthy Mama plan in 2013 and lost 50 pounds. I had a few pregnancies/miscarriages in the years after that where I put up to 20 back on and then would take it back off. I still use many thm recipes (and principles) as they have become our favorites and I love many of their products.

.Keto Asian slaw with blackened chicken thighs and avacados

Roast beef, caulifflower mushroom riscotto,  roasted broccoli

I have battled migraines since I was 13. In January of 2019 I bought a program/book called Metabolic Factor by Jonny Bowden hoping to take off the final pounds I was stalled at. This involved me taking out grains and dairy except on carb up day. The weight did come off, but even better than that was that my migraines left! Praise the Lord, after 36 years I learned that gluten was the root of them. This caused me to continue to research further into many of the books Jonny Bowden had in his footnotes and beyond.

Seeing the way certain foods have affected my family members ability to learn, their behavior and general feelings of wellness has caused me to look at food differently. Food truly is our medicine OR it is a food-like-disease-causing-substance (thanks to Jimmy Moore for that processed food name). I now listen carefully to what my body is telling me after I eat, and adjust accordingly.

I eat dairy, but not a lot. I eat some grains, but mostly as a special occasion food. I try to avoid gluten except for an occasional European waffle when I run to United Coffee or a donut when I run to a donut shop.

I am not perfect, there are days I eat too much of even good food or have too many celebrations too close together (big family birthday struggles). I have learned though, to make my healthy keto/thm version of all the yummies for holidays and birthdays…and weddings, graduations and births of grandchildren!

In 2018, I had three daughters get married, one graduate, and another give birth!

I do have an Instagram account where I post my meals and most workouts if you would like to get some ideas for creating your own health-packed meals!


Keto Biscuits and Gravy.

Parmesean Flounder and Green Bean Fries

Double Chocolate Pumkin Spice Muffins

Keto German Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Keto Rootbeer Floats

BLTE Lettuce Boats

Reviewing the Vaccine Controversy

Reviewing the Vaccine Controversy

(Parts of this post were taken from a post I originally wrote in 2017. It was then updated in late 2019)

There is no getting around the fact that this is one of the most controversial topics in our country right now. I would like to make an appeal at the onset that if you are serious about understanding this topic, that you take the time to review all the information presented here, with the goal of bringing a better understanding to the breadth of the vaccine issue.

As more and more states are abolishing parental waiver for vaccines, the debate is getting more heated as more parents are desiring to do a modified vaccine schedule. At the same time, drug manufacturers are continually developing more vaccines, and the government is mandating them. It is important to be informed on this issue as it is seems to be destined to become a very contentious conversation – and lots of civility will be required.

The goal is not anti-vaccination. The goal is a safe, pro-informed consent vaccine policy, which upholds constitutional freedoms.

This past March (2019), I sent a letter out to some family and friends outlining concerns I had about what I had been seeing in regards to legislative proceedings concerning vaccines. It is a bit lengthy for a blog post but because it covers the essentials of the controversy, I thought it would be beneficial to include it here:

Hi All,

 I can think of very few things that would give me cause for concern to send out an email to family and friends. However, recent events regarding freedom in our health choices have prompted me to write such a note.

 The written word can sometimes be difficult in that one cannot always “hear” intent or motivation. Please know my primary intent here is just to provide information for consideration.

 I am sorry this is so long. It was actually much longer, however I tried to condense it down to just the most germane points on this issue. Please also note that you may need to copy and paste the links I have posted in order to have them load properly.

 As some of you may have heard me say before, I have been following the vaccine conversation for over 20 years. What I am seeing of late, shows a deepening divide and a deeper distrust growing on both sides of this issue. Again, I will reiterate that I am not anti-vaccine, nor do I personally know a single parent that would like to take down the entire vaccine program.

What is currently at issue is individual freedom of choice for health decisions and freedom of speech.

Due to several outbreaks of measles in parts of the country, the subject of eliminating all vaccine exemptions and choice has become more prominent. Increasingly more states are introducing laws to take away a patient’s or parent’s choice in regards to their personal conviction on this issue. You may also be aware of the fact that there are some social media platforms that are not allowing any dissenting views on the safety of vaccines.

 “To want to ward off disease is an honorable thing, but that does not mean that everything done in its name is safe or is beyond criticism, and if we get to that point, we have a problem.” (Quoted from the NYT comment section, in response to “How to inoculate yourself from Anti-vaxxers.)

I just wanted to share some current vaccine stats, current revenue trends from pharmaceutical industries, and an upcoming Senate government hearing. A final mention will be to take a look at the infamous “father” of the anti-vaccine movement, and a note from a parent.

 First I would like to list facts from the CDC. (Most of you probably know that the CDC is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States, with the goal of improving overall public health.)

 If you compare the 1983 vaccine schedule to the 2017 schedule you will note these differences:

 1983: 22 doses of 7 vaccines by age 6

compared to:

2017: 50 doses of 14 vaccines by age 6


 1983: 24 doses of 7 vaccines by age 18

2017: 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18

 Also from the CDC website:

 In 1980 the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder was 1 in 2,000

In 2000 the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder was 1 in 150

In 2014 the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder was 1 in 59

in 2016 the rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder was 1 in 54

About 1 in 6 children in the United States had a developmental disability in 2006-2008.

 We all know that correlation does not mean causation, but those statistics certainly would give credence to a medical review.

 Research done in 2012 stated that estimates autism costs society a staggering $126 billion per year (U.S.) – a number that has more than tripled since 2006.

 In regards to the pharmaceutical interest in vaccines, this is from a blog post I wrote several years ago:

 “By 2016, the Global Vaccines Market is Expected to Generate More Than Twice the Annual Revenue of 2009(The global vaccine market is expected to surpass estimated USD 100 billion by 2025). 

 The surge in revenues and growth rates came at a time when the pharmaceutical industry was under huge pressure from patent expiries and weakened pipelines…. The success of premium priced vaccines such as Prevnar, Gardasil, and Cervarix has prompted big pharmaceutical players such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca to invest in the vaccines industry which promises safe revenues due to a lack of threat from generics.

 The Vaccines Industry is Looking to Increase its Revenues Through the Introduction of Novel Vaccines and Indication Expansions for Established Products.”  (business

 And recently:

In 2018, North America is expected to dominate the market. The large share of this geographical segment is attributed to factors such as increasing investments by government organizations and companies to promote immunization as well as develop new vaccines.

 According to new research report Vaccines Market by Disease (Pneumococcal, Influenza, DTP, HPV, Hepatitis, Meningococcal, Rotavirus, Polio, MMR, Varicella, Dengue), Technology (Live, Toxoid, Recombinant), Route (IM/SC, Oral), Patient (Pediatric, Adult), Type – Global Forecast to 2023″, the global market is expected to reach USD 50.42 billion by 2023 from USD 36.45 billion in 2018, at a CAGR of 6.7%. The growth of the market is attributed to the rising prevalence of diseases, increasing government and nongovernment funding for vaccine development, and increasing companies initiatives to enhance R&D

 I honestly don’t even know what to say in regards to this World heath Organization report on the incredibly lucrative market vaccines are going to be – and this was from 2010. IT TOUTS THAT VACCINES ARE BECOMING AN ENGINE FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY.  Here is the link to the article:

 An entire new market for the pharmaceutical industries has also opened up as now there is a push from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to start implementing the National Vaccine Plan for Adults.

Is it any wonder that these companies would not like any one questioning any adverse effects of vaccines? Is it a reasonable question to ask if this excessive vaccine production is too much of  a “good thing”?

In 2018 the pharmaceutical industry spent almost $400 million lobbying congress.  Robert Kennedy states “Everybody takes money from Phrma, so they are all corrupted, that is why it is almost impossible to get anything done on Capitol Hill. That may be why members of congress say that they have faced pressure, been bullied or threatened when they have tried to raise vaccine safety issue. (See video below)

 Pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for any liability from their products.We do know that vaccines can cause harm in some people. That is why the government has paid out over 4 billion dollars though the National Vaccine Injury Compensation program.

 The government also has an entire website devoted to adverse reactions to vaccines (VAERS).

 There has never been a study on the safety of the current CDC vaccine schedule.

 There is also evidence that the efficacy of vaccines is not what scientists once thought. In this study just published in the National Institute for Health, research shows:

 “Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.”

 This would line up with the facts of a recent pertussis out break in a private school in California. All 30 cases were found in kids that had all been vaccinated for pertussis.

 Currently we have more severe reactions to vaccines than we do severe cases of the disease. I am not implying that without vaccines, that would be true. What I am suggesting is that maybe we need to reconsider our current approach. Keep in mind, as stated earlier, that there are more vaccines coming to market, that will certainly expand the CDC schedule. How much is too much? And how do we do the safety studies on all of them combined?

 Certainly government officials are concerned for the health and safety of its nations’ citizens. However, it is just as understandable that the thousands of families whose lives have been changed just hours or days after their child was vaccinated want the truth of their injuries to be heard, and bring awareness for the safety of others. We need to start building trust on both sides of this issue. I don’t know of a parent who is not concerned for the safety and health of their child and would like to be able to trust what they are told by their health care providers. But there are many that are nervous about the CDC facts I posted earlier and would like to see our government officials hear both sides of this issue before enforcing mandates that cannot be refused. 

Please watch this video from January of 2019 which reports on how the governement did have evidence that vaccines can cause Autism in some children:

Finally, it would be incredibly difficult to wade through the entire vaccine controversy without hearing the name Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield is considered by most in in the ‘mandatory vaccine camp”, and probably almost every news outlet, to be the “father” of the anti-vaccine movement. He is at the center of this controversy. Dr. Wakefield is accused of so many things in most pro-vaccine posts and articles that unless you hear his side of what happened, it would be nearly impossible to ascertain any level of truth. This information will also be helpful if you decide to contact your state or federal representatives on this subject. They most likely have only heard the “established narrative” that some “disgraced, quack doctor falsified data and got his medical license taken away for saying people should not vaccinate.” The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth.

I am posting 2 interviews. They both are profoundly important. Yes, I acknowledge that they are long; however, as I said, to truly understand the current vaccine conversation, you need to start here. It is an absolutely incredible story about how one man has been absolutely excoriated, which is why I listed both links. The first link really lays out the entire story and shows the heart of Dr. Wakefield in caring for the kids in this mess. He so clearly identifies the current predicament we find ourselves in. The second, and most recent, interview gives all the evidence of his innocence. I have watched each of these several times and am still utterly amazed at the amount of misinformation still being propagated about him and his work.

 Again, if you are truly interested in being fully informed on the vaccine controversy, please do not skip watching these, it is so foundationally important. 

 Note that there are short pauses between questions asked. Dr. Wakefield absolutely nails the problem we are facing right now in this country, starting at about the 30-minute mark of the interview. But please watch the whole interview.

 Interview 2 covers the evidence of the case.

What is very interesting to note is that Katie Wright is the daughter of Bob Wright, the founder of Autism Speaks, the largest autism advocacy organization. It maintains the status quo that vaccines do not impact autism and would not be an advocate of Dr. Wakefield. Yet, it is precisely Dr. Wakefield that helped Katie bring healing to her autistic son.

 To close us this out, here is just a sample post of a recurring theme, which has probably been reiterated thousands of times – by many educated, well-informed individuals who are just trying to raise awareness. I could link to literally thousands of other stories with different vaccines, but will limit it to just one:

My son was born in July 1995. He was bright, alert, engaging and clearly neurotypical in every way. He met and exceeded all of his developmental milestones until 7 1/2 years of age when he sustained a vaccine injury from the flu shot in late 2002. Within a very, very short period of time after the vaccine, he developed severe neurological, neurodevelopmental and neurobehavioral changes. I was forced to research this issue, as did my late husband, a physician, in order to save our son. We were not anti-vaccine (which should be obvious, otherwise, our child would not have suffered a vaccine injury). We were not conspiracy theorists. We were intelligent, educated, articulate parents trying to find out what happened to our formerly healthy son. We understood medicine, statistics and how to read and comprehend scientific research. My late husband was a triple board certified physician and Chairman of Emergency and Trauma at a major Level 1 Trauma Center. He served as Associate Professor of Surgery at a well-respected medical school/teaching hospital, as well as Medical Director of a Physician Assistant program at a major university. He did peer-review for numerous medical journals, served on the boards of numerous National, State and local medical societies. He was a published author of numerous medical articles, peer-reviewed scientific studies and even a medical textbook. My background was in politics, nursing in physician offices and forensic accounting. In others words, we were NOT clueless, gullible, conspiracy theory, “anti-science” parents as the CDC and mainstream media try to paint anyone who has the audacity to question vaccines.

All one has to do is follow the money to ascertain why the pharmaceutical companies and government vaccine program defenders (like the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, etc. are attacking anyone who questions vaccines. They have 30+ billion reasons per year (money generated each year from vaccines) to deny any evidence of harm from vaccines. Denying that vaccines cause severe harm does not change the FACT that vaccines CAN and DO cause severe harm and/or death TO SOME. My child IS evidence of harm. This is why I encourage all parents to educate themselves about the true RISKS before they vaccinate their child. I wish I had done so instead of relying on the misinformation of my well-intentioned, but woefully misinformed pediatrician.”

In closing, the current government decisions will affect you, your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews. Please consider reviewing all sides of this issue, talking with your elected officials and staying informed. The goal is not anti-vaccination. The goal is a safe, pro-informed consent vaccine policy, which upholds constitutional freedoms.

 Thanks for listening and may we all work together for that which serves the best interests of the entirety of our communities.


When I grew up I think there were 5 doses of vaccines. That list is now 69 and there are many more in the pharmaceutical pipeline. Are we all going to be ok when the government is mandating 110? 125? All from an industry that cannot be held liable for any harm or damages caused by their product. (Keep in mind the National Vaccine Injury Court has paid out over 4 billion dollars of tax payer dollars in damages), and one that has the power to censure almost any dissent. There is no such other industry that exists.


In regards to censure, click here to see the letters that Congressman Posey and Congressman Schiff sent to Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerburg, the former asking for free speech, the latter for censorship.


Here is the first page of those letters:

For those of you in the WOWO radio listening audience, you may remember that WOWO did a whole series on the vaccine issue in August of 2018. Please note that those whom Pat Miller talks to are not anti-vaccine, they are pro-education and pro-safe vaccine. They provide a great deal of factual information that is so necessary for all of us to hear.


Here he talks with Dr. Paul Thomas, who has seen over 13,000 patients, and discusses how he began to see increasing amounts of autism in his practice, and how that lead to researching the problems assocated with the current vaccines schedule.

Pat Miller discusses with Emmy Award-winning producer, Del Bigtree on how when he began investigating the story of the CDC and its coverup on vaccines, he stumbled upon a story of corruption and deception beyond anything he had ever seen:
J.B. Handley author of “How to End the Autism Epidemic”, discusses with Pat on how his son regressed after each vaccination.


It is interesting to note that even veterinarians have advocated reducing the amount of vaccines and administering them in single doses. From an article form

“There’s also an advantage to giving single rather than combination vaccines. “Giving more vaccinations increases the likelihood of side effects,” Welborn says. “Separating vaccinations allows the veterinarian to determine which vaccine caused a side effect if one occurs.”

Perhaps we should consider the same for our children. You cannot currently get the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) or Pertusis by itself. Babies can also receive  up to 6 or more vaccines in one visit.

Click here and here for more information on vaccine safety. Click here for info on the Covid -19 Vaccine.

Get informed and make the best decision for you and your family.