The Tragedy of the Unbelieved

The Tragedy of the Unbelieved

December 16, 2021

This is the reality that is happening to the vaccine-injured all over the world.

Previously fit and healthy. Now this. Casey represents thousands.

Not believed. Abandoned. Shoved to the side.  See HERE for those just like Casey.

They need you to watch this. All of it.

Please be their voice.

If you know anyone in the medical field, PLEASE consider sharing this with them.

You can view the full-length interview here

Upate: you will note that Youtube took that video down. There is a shorter version that can be found HERE

For additional vaccine posts, start here:



If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Sit Down, Listen and Share

Sit Down, Listen and Share

November 2021

Following is a letter I have written to several Indiana legislators.  I urge you to read it, watch the videos, and consider sharing the post.

As always, Covid is real and must be taken seriously, and treated EARLY.  Covid vaccine injury is also real and must be taken seriously.


I know you probably receive hundreds of emails full of information on the issue of Covid vaccine safety.

 I would like to present to you in this email real people who have first-hand knowledge and experience with the CDC, FDA, NIH and each of the vaccine manufacturers.

 There are no conspiracy theories or mention of political parties.

 Most of these videos are 2 minutes or less. Some are as short as 32 seconds. But they are profound.

 You can get through the first 9 in about 10 minutes.  I can almost guarantee that if you were the person speaking in these videos you would be hoping beyond hope that people would listen.

  After having spending upwards of 20 – 40 hours a week in researching and following the vaccine issue over the past 10 months, I am reminded of a quote from journalist, Malcolm Muggeridge:

 “The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.”

 We cannot imagine the depravity of man being so debased that government personnel would treat other human beings with such disregard.

 As each of these testimonies will show, the gross negligence within our government agencies is truly unconscionable.  And because of that negligence, a large portion of the medical community has no idea what is really happening.

This 1 minute and 23 second video of Bree sums up a great deal of the “erasure” happening to thousands of people that our government agencies are allowing. (Please do not skip this.) I posted this on social media – a no-name mom – and it has received over 180,000 views – and viewership grows in the thousands everyday – because the information is real and true, and injuries are mounting. (Update Jan. 2022: Bree’s video had been watched almost 300,00 times  – along with dozens of other stories. TikTok has now permanently banned my account.)

 Watch here:

Bree’s discusses her first-hand knowledge of what the government agencies know, 55 seconds:

What does the NIH know? 32 seconds:

 Maddie’s Story – How do our government agencies do this to people? 2 Minutes:

Orthopedic Surgeon. His entire career is gone.

2 min. 35 seconds

Junior’s Dad. Lost his son 4 days after the vaccine. 1 minute 35 seconds

Shaun – a vaccine injured nurse practioner and researcher speaks:

 Douglas Cameron – Perfectly healthy and now a paraplegic. 1:46

Healthcare workers literally pleading for help. Under 2 minutes each:

Start Talking About It

We Need Help!

It is, again, unconscionable that the same government agency that is trying to mandate this vaccine is not even requiring employers to log vaccine injury. This leaves workers in a very vulnerable position. Some have been left with getting no help for injuries or compensation.

I have no idea if you have seen the numerous reports of vaccinated athletes in the news over the last few months that have been suffering from myo and pericarditis, some have died. The reports are so numerous that I will be doing another post in the future. This video gives voice to many:


Here is a short (1:30) music video montage on the mood of the culture – There are millions fighting for choice – and we vote.

Thank you for your consideration in taking the time to review this material and in understanding why vaccine hesitancy is valid.

By law, every person is required to receive informed consent before receiving a medical product/procedure. Informed consent is the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. Informed consent is both an ethical and legal obligation of medical practitioners in the US and originates from the patient’s right to direct what happens to their body. Consent must be free from coercion.

 Clearly this is not happening with Covid-19 vaccines. Therefore, the legality of any type of vaccine mandate seems implausible and would be setting up any entity that tries to enforce a mandate, subject to a lawsuit.

With injuries continuing to mount, it would seem to be of utmost urgency to pass legislation that would halt any business, school, or employer from mandating this vaccine. 

The only clear and legal option is for each person to make the informed choice they feel is best for their health.

It would be fundamentally egregious and morally reprehensible to ignore the evidence that has been provided to you.


 Ann Forti

For more stories, click below:

Be informed. Be Engaged. Be Kind.

Snippets from the Culture Calling out For Freedom

Snippets from the Culture Calling out For Freedom

November 2021 – please note that both vimeo has disabled my account and therefore all videos posted in this post can no longer be viewed.

My videos were primarily just real people who were telling their documented vaccine injury story, or what was happening at their work or where they live.

 Very sad that this is what we have come to.

I am working on getting them uploaded to a new platform.

Until then if you go to the Forti-fy Facebook page or Instagram page you can find many of the videos posted there.

October 2021

These days, I have been posting almost daily on facebook and Instagram snippets of what is being experienced around the world by many people, but yet is not known to most, due to the media “lockdown”.

Thus, I am just reposting here to give any who may not be on social media access to the stories. It is also an easy way to share a week or two worth of stories with one link!

This post covers the last few weeks.

Most every video below is around 1 minute  – some may be 2. I edit them for quick viewing.

Again, my only message is that mandates are not the answer.

There are links at the end of this post for many more stories.


First, a Few Words From Nurses and Doctors:

This doctor has practiced medicine for 33 years. View thousands more stories here , here and here.

This doctor has hired an attorney because the FDA and CDC have not yet responded:

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

May be an image of text

May be an image of text that says 'Robin Spring Saunders Jun 21 I never thought I'd get a Covid shot but I got my first one today. Unfortunately my job requires it. Not long after the shot lona Sellers, Robin's mother, had requested prayers for Robin online and stated "Robin had a reaction from the covid shot". Robin was not breathing and was on a ventilator in ICU according to her mother. lona also made mention in her post that Robin needed the shot to start her new job.'

News From Around the World:

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'NIKE Bevan Costello: Well- Known Indigenous Leader Dies 6 Days After Receiving The VID Vasoine In A Televised Event'

Click HERE for videos that speak of the documented government cover-up that continues.

Music That is Reflecting the Culture

The culture always picks up the mood of the people.  This is just a sample of snippets that crosses age demographics and genres.

Some have hit #1 and #2 status in countries across the world.
All available on iTunes:
We are Warriors – Sweedish
This is a War – Jimmy Levy
Enough is Enough -Eric Clapton
Matrix- Nitti Gritti

Why Don’t You Hear Talk of Injuries?

The reason most folks don’t see much in the way of vaccine injury is because of something called the Trusted News Initaitive. It was started back in December of 2020.

It is the main reason most people’s vaccine injury stories are taken off all platforms:  Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. Reporters, doctors, and scientists also get censored or banned.

Here were comments made by Dr. McCollough on the TNI:

There is a Trusted News Initiative, which is very important for Americans to understand, this was announced Dec. 10, and this is a coalition of all the major media and government stakeholders in vaccines, where they are not going to allow any negative information about vaccines to get into the popular media because they’re concerned about vaccine hesitancy, that if Americans got any type of fair, balanced coverage on safety events then they simply would not come forward and get the vaccinated.”

“The Trusted News Initiative is really troublesome.”

The partners signed onto the Trusted News Initiative to date are: Associated Press, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post. The New York Times has also participated in the past.

“A lot of Americans don’t understand how tight these stakeholders are. Keep in mind the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent, so they have a vested financial interest in keeping these vaccines going,”

The TNI Could Not Stop This

This is quite remarkable.  A Local TV station posted this on Facebook.  They received the exact opposite response. The last time I checked there were 257,000 comments. If you have facebook, click HERE for the page.
More and more and more stories. We will never build trust with this vaccine, as long as we keep ignoring the thousands of vaccine injuries.

Follow the Money

May be an image of text that says 'Aa Nice to be in market where everyone is mandated to take your product. Pharma D0 Pfizer, Moderna will rake in a combin next year on COVID-19 vaccine sales: $93 billion by Kevin Dunleavy Oct 18, 2021 10:58am And you are not held liable for any adverse effects.'

Pfizer is one of the most popular stocks in Congress, with 48 lawmakers placing their bet on the drugmaker that hikes its prices each year. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the second most senior congressman, reported holding between $1 million and $5 million in Pfizer stock. Forty-seven lawmakers reported investing in Johnson & Johnson, despite the drugmaker’s role in the devastating opioid epidemic.

For more stories click below:

Be Informed. Be Engaged. Be Kind.

November 2021 – This post was originally posted in September 2021.  Please note that vimeo has disabled my account and therefore some videos posted in this post may no longer be viewed.

I am working on uploading them to a new platform.  Until then if you go to the Forti-fy Facebook page or Instagram page you can find many of the videos posted there.

My videos were primarily just real people who were telling their documented vaccine injury story, or what was happening at their work or where they live.

 Very sad that this is what we have come to.


Following is a list of links that you can click on to read thousands of reports and stories from those who have been negatively affected by Covid vaccines. Please also click HERE for Facebook, and HERE for Instagram daily posts.

If you have read any of my previous posts, you know my only goal in writing on vaccines is to advocate for choice. I believe everyone should be allowed to make  the decision that gives them the greatest peace of mind.


This website was started by former Green Bay Packer, Ken Ruettgers, whose wife was injured by the Covid Vaccine. It represents a large and ever-growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States). Ken reached out to Senator Ron Johnson, in an effort to bring attention to the thousands of people who have been negatively affected.

This site has a plethora of information. You can read/watch testimonials of many vaccine injured here:

Also on the site are links to view letters from the vaccine injured, and senators, written to the FDA and CDC:

From Senators:

From Vaccine Injured:

The following was a post I wrote after watching the press conference held by Ron Johnson, which was attended by a group of people who have been vaccine injured. Their stories are heart-breaking. The press conference is long, but, again,  I would strongly encourage you to watch it so as to see the reality of what has been happening:


Here is one of many stories, like the ones in the above post, of kids getting myo/pericarditis. “I wish someone would have told me.”

Click picture to start video:

Here are a few 1 – 2 minute excerpts from the press conference, except Maddie’s, which is about 5 minutes. Very Sad.

These videos are from a press conference in August. For the most current press conference, click HERE

Here is the direct link to Senator Ron Johnson’s press conference:

This is not from the press conference, but I think it sums up the desperate plea I have heard from thousands of others:

“There are horrible things happening to so many people. I am begging you to see there is someting wrong.”



Here is another website devoted to people telling their vaccine injury stories:

These Vaccine Injuries Are Not Rare

In this video both a very fit husband and wife are diagnosed with pericarditis and myocarditis, respectfully. Per usual, watch the end of the video where he is accused of lying because it is mathematically impossible for them both to be injured.

Except for the fact that it IS so frequent that it is, therefore, not impossible.

Here, Daniel discusses how often the cardiologist sees these cases.

Agencies are not disclosing injuries to the public.

Here is my original post I began back in January of 2021. Even from the very beginning, there were hundreds and hundreds of stories coming out shortly after the vaccine started being administered. There are so many stories in here that it takes the page a bit of time to load!


Here is the open vaers link Note: when I tried to post this directly on facebook, FB notified me that it would limit the distribution of who could see the post – which is just one of many forms of censorship being utilized. This data comes right from the government VAERS site.  Again – it only captures between 1-10% of reports. Regardless of what your view is on correlation/causation, you can read through every report yourself. Click below:




There have actually been many IG and FB groups and accounts groups, but in time, FB and IG takes them down. In addition, my website, itself, gets “break-in” attempts, almost daily.

Here is my latest post of snippets from the culture – mostly 1-2 minute videos:

There are so many pleas for help.

I say it every time, but I will say it again.

  1. Covid  is real. Take is seriously. GET TREATMENT EARLY!
  2. Vaccine  injury is real. Take it seriously
  3. When deciding on the vaccine: Talk to the most pro-covid vaccine doc YOU know – and listen to why they think it’s the best idea. Ask questions, give your concerns. Then, go to a doctor that believes that the covid vaccine may not be for you. Listen to why they believe that. Ask questions, share your concerns.
  4. Make your decision.

Good people and good doctors disagree on this issue. Both sides can bring their own tragic stories.

(Yes, I happened to focus on the vaccine stories because everyone knows about the covid stories, and many of the vaccine stories are censored.)

The following are both true:

1. If you get Covid, you may be fine, have long-term adverse effects or die.

2. If you take the vaccine, you may be fine, have long-term adverse effects, or die.

The sooner we acknowledge this, the greater trust we will build, knowing all sides are being heard and have a seat at the table.

Life is a Risk

There is an inherent risk in living. Having the ability to review as much information as possible is key to ascertaining specific risk.

However, I would propose that it should not be the government, your employer, a business, or a school that decides whether you should take the risk for injecting, or not injecting, something into your body.

The greatest long-term risk would be to have a government that has the authority to force their decision on you.

A position of humility understands that there is a good probability that no one has the correct vaccine answer for everyone, but that you can make an informed decision for yourself and should be allowed to do so.

Trust is the greater good, not mandates.


Do you live in Indiana?

If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a madatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN – Hoosiers for Medical Liberty.

Click for Website:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights. 

Click for website:


For more information, click on the stories below:

Be informed. Be Engaged. Be Kind.

Edit: September 17, 2021: This post was originally published in August 2021. Over the last few weeks, there has been a media campaign to completely discredit Ivermectin. This video was made in response to those media stories:

Update 2/20/22  – Dr. Kory’s response to JAMA:  “The Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – JAMA’s “Diversion. Big Pharma influences high-impact journals to selectively publish (purportedly) negative studies while outright rejecting positive studies from publication.”

Update 3/4/2022 – “A Letter to Andrew Hill“, a short documentary asking: “Why the about-face on ivermectin?”

Update: 5/16/2022 –  “Fraudulent Trial On Ivermectin Published By The World’s Top Medical Journal. Big Pharma Reigns – Part 2 The New England Journal of Medicine published the fraudulent TOGETHER trial, designed and conducted to launch anti-ivermectin headlines across every major media outlet across the world.

Update 5/30/2022 – The False, Sinister, and Duplicitous Statements of the TOGETHER Ivermectin Trial Investigators. Numerous disturbing, inconsistent, and false statements have been collected and documented by multiple researchers, journalists, and observers in communication with the TOGETHER trial investigators.

4/3/2023 – Honestly, this has been the most mind-boggling case of censorship throughout the last 3 years. So much has been written on it. Check out the lastest tweet from Pierre Kory HERE

Also, HERE is a critque of the JAMA Study.


Original Post:

This post’s title quote is from New York Times best-selling author and six-time Pulitzer-nominated journalist, Michael Capuzzo, who has spent the last year reviewing the mountains of evidence for Ivermectin and the real world efficacy of the drug for the treatment of Covid.

With all the concern of breakthrough Covid cases after vaccination, and new variants, it is extremely important to get this information out to the public.

He has followed the work of the doctors who are part of the FLCCC Alliance. basically stating that,

“These doctors have saved more lives than anyone in the world.” 

To really understand the full story of what has gone down with these doctors fighting to get the word out, please take the time to read Capuzzo’s article, “The Drug That Cracked Covid.”

It is long, but worth every word to hear all that has been happening.

These are well-credentialed  doctors:

 “Marik was accustomed to beating the odds – He is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners.

 “People are dying needlessly,” Marik said.”

 “The saddest thing for us is we know this can make a difference and save lives,” Marik says, “and it seems like nobody really cares and wants to listen to us.” But “we feel we can’t be silenced, we just can’t be, because you know the truth will ultimately prevail.”



You can review all the data here:

This site is such a great resource! There is a tab for how to find Ivermectin. Check it out here:

These Are Just a Few of Many Stories

Her mom recovers and goes home, after receiving Ivermectin.

There is a whole page filled with testimonials you can watch:

Ivermectin’s Use in Treating Cancer

I encourge you to read through this list of studies to see why it has been stated that, “Ivermectin has many advantages that suggest that it is worth developing as a potential new anticancer drug.” 



Something to keep in mind is that right now you may not have the liberty to request Ivermectin from you doctor. Some doctors and hospitals will not prescribe it.  If you read the article above, you know that even though it was ivermectin that took Judy off the ventilator – her kids had to GO TO COURT to force the doctor to prescribe it.  This ought not to be.  If you are concerned about medical liberty, I urge you to check out these 2 organizations. They are both fighting for your rights! Remember when you are standing for medical freedom, you are standing up for EVERYONE’S freedom.  That is NOT a selfish thing to do, as some in the media are portraying.  Being allowed to take care of your health is not selfish.

If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might affect you, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Click on the links below for more information related to covid and covid vaccines:



Be Informed. Be Engaged. Be Kind.