Our Walk With Covid and How It May Help You

Our Walk With Covid and How It May Help You

Our Stories

In this podcast episode, Rachel and I share our recent – not so great – experiences with Covid-19. We do believe that the statistics are probably accurate in  that a large portion of the population may only experience a mild case of Covid-19. However, we think this podcast episode is important to listen to in the event that you, or a family member, turn out to aquire more than a mild case, because it might help you avoid the “hurdles” we went through, and give you a better outcome. 


This episode covers the basics of Covid-19, some of the current views of treatment and thoughts on the future of medical choice freedom.


Here, I am just going to list a few of the studies I talked about in the podcast.  We would just encourage you to review the information and then consider having a talk with your doctor.


These were on the use of Methyl Prednisolone:


Pierre Kory, MD, MPA Medical Director, Trauma and Life Support Center Critical Care Service Chief Associate Professor of Medicine University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health


“With this knowledge of the specific COVID inflammatory gene activation combined with knowledge of the gene suppression activity of all known medicines they were able to match the most effective drug for COVID-19 human gene suppression.. and that drug is methylprednisolone (this must be recognized, as the ability of other corticosteroids to control inflammation in cOVId-19 was much less impactful. This is, we believe, an absolutely critical and historic finding. Many centers are using similar but less effective agents such as dexamethasone or prednisone”



Also here:




Successful use of methylprednisolone for treating severe COVID-19: (Click below)

“In our study, we found that timely and appropriate application of glucocorticoids could avoid the need for invasive mechanical ventilation and improve the outcomes of critical patients with COVID-19, compared with outcomes in reported studies. “


The findings from this case series suggest that high‐dose, short‐term corticosteroid therapy early in respiratory failure may provide a good prognosis of patients with COVID‐19‐related ARDS without critical side effects of corticosteroids.


This study shows the importance of the early-stage use of a combination of favipiravir and methylprednisolone in severe cases to achieve a favorable clinical outcome.


In conclusion, early use of a short course of methylprednisolone, an inexpensive and readily available agent, in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 may prevent progression of disease and improve outcomes.


Notes from that link:

Methylprednisolone was identified as the drug most likely to work; it targeted 27 genes that were differentially expressed in COVID-19-infected tissues versus healthy lung tissues.

Prednisolone was also predicted to be effective at reverting many of the changes caused by COVID-19.“An important finding is that drugs in the same class will not achieve similar effects,” writes the team.

“For instance, methylprednisolone and prednisolone were predicted to be effective in reverting many of the changes triggered by COVID-19, while other closely-related steroids such as prednisone or dexamethasone were not,” write Sorin Draghici (Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University) and colleagues.”

Not all corticosteroids tested were effective

However, the closely-related corticosteroids, namely prednisone, dexamethasone, and hydrocortisone, were not effective at reverting the changes. Prednisone only targeted three differentially expressed genes in COVID-19-infected versus healthy lung tissue, and of those, it only reverted one. Prednisone also targeted two genes in the NHBE cells, but it was not effective at reverting either of them.

Neither dexamethasone nor hydrocortisone seemed to be effective in the COVID-19 tissue, although hydrocortisone seemed to have a marginal effect on NHBE cells.

Treatment Combo Successfully Resolves Cytokine Storm in COVID-19


“A strategy involving a course of high dose methylprednisolone, followed by tocilizumab if needed, may accelerate respiratory recovery, lower hospital mortality and reduce the likelihood of invasive mechanical ventilation in COVID-19-associated CSS,” the authors wrote. “This historically controlled comparison of a strategy with intensive immunosuppression and close monitoring versus a strategy with supportive care only in patients with COVID-19-associated CSS suggests that clinically relevant improvement of respiratory status is 79% more likely, and can be accelerated by a median of 7 days, that hospital mortality can be reduced by 65% and that the need for mechanical ventilation during admission can be reduced by 71%. These outcomes were robust and, especially if confirmed in randomized trials later on, highly relevant from a medical and societal perspective.”


This is a video from the Editor in Chief of JAMA on the use of Corticosteroids and Covid-19

Click Here


What is the role of the IL-6 inhibitor tocilizumab (Actemra) in the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?


A retrospective review of 25 patients with confirmed severe COVID-19 who received tocilizumab plus investigational antivirals showed patients who received tocilizumab experienced a decline in inflammatory markers, radiological improvement, and reduced ventilatory support requirements.


Another IL-6 inhibitor, tocilizumab

The conundrum of interleukin-6 blockade in COVID-19

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrhe/article/PIIS2665-9913(20)30287-3/fulltext Click Here


When analysing factors associated with reduced mortality in those who received tocilizumab, baseline C-reactive protein concentrations of 15 mg/dL or higher emerged as a clear cutoff, suggesting that IL-6 blockade exerts its best effects among patients with an overt inflammatory state. Moreover, Biran and colleagues did not note any increase in secondary infections, thus supporting the safety of tocilizumab in this setting.


What is the role of the antiviral drug remdesivir in the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Click Here


COVID-19 is, in the end, an endothelial disease



Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19




Spotting the Clotting: Hypercoagulopathy in COVID-19




The Real Reason Post-COVID Myocarditis Is a Worry


There might not be any guideline-directed therapy to offer those without overt heart failure, but these post-COVID cases need to be studied to check for functional changes at 6 months and beyond, he said.


COVID-19 coagulopathy vs disseminated intravascular coagulation



Severe COVID-19 infections seem to cause a profound coagulation abnormality caused by inflammation-induced changes in coagulation in combination with severe endothelial cell injury, with consequent massive release of von Willebrand factor and plasminogen activators.


Are You Aware of Sex Offenders Living in Your Area?

Are You Aware of Sex Offenders Living in Your Area?


On this episode of the Forti-fy podcast, Heather and Ann sat down with Detective Michael Smothermon who heads up the Sex and Violent Offender Registry in Allen County.

Mike gives a very thorough overview of the program. He also provides an incredibly helpful tool to help you track offenders in the area of where you live, work or go to school.

Listen in to hear all about it!

Click to listen:  

Click HERE for the link to sign up for email alerts,

The page will look like this:


If you have any further questions, all contact information can be found HERE.

Thanks Mike!


Do The Twist! You Will Love It!

Do The Twist! You Will Love It!

One of the goals of the Forti-fy podcast is to feature local businesses in our neighborhoods so that you can get to know them better, and all that they offer!

On this episode, we sat down with Lori Berndt, owner of the Olive Twist. Listen in to hear the tasty experience this delightful store offers up!

And…. to all you who may be reading this and think you would have no interest in olive oil or vinegars…. I really want to encourage you to push the “play” button.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised and may seriously consider venturing out to your local Olive Twist by the end of this podcast!


In the podcast, you will hear Lori talk about the comprehensive quality checks that they do on their oils to insure that you have a fresh product!

The Olive Twist offers up 20 DIFFERENT FLAVORS of oils!  The top 3 best sellers mentioned in the podcast are:


Same comprehensive quality checks here and  30 DIFFERENT FLAVORS to choose from!  Do you have an idea for a new flavor you think would be popular? Let then know to see if they can create it!

Their top 3 best sellers are: Cranberry Pear, Traditional and Raspberry. The top flavor used at our house is the Denissimo Aged Balsamic!


Check out the cupboard of herbs and spices!

The helpful staff can assist you in selecting the perfect herb or spice to provide the taste you are looking to achieve.




Be sure to listen in on how Lori came to start serving a wide variety of teas!



As we discuss in the podcast, the Olive Twist offers up a perfect gift for anyone for almost any occasion.Click HERE for great ideas.


Click HERE for Website

You’ll have no problem locating the Auburn store!

Check out their Facebook page HERE for delectable delightful recipes!


When you shop local, everyone benefits! Strong businesses grow strong communities.  So head on out to your local OLIVE TWIST to enjoy a day of learning, tasting, and fortifying your community!


Area Homeschool Co-ops and Classes

Area Homeschool Co-ops and Classes

(Originally posted June 2017, Updated August 2020)

Depending on where you are in your homeschooling journey, you may be very familiar with homeschool co-ops, or, like me, waited 20 years before trying one!  Here, I review homeschool co-ops and classes offered in the Fort Wayne and surrounding areas.

Character Ink

I did a blog post several years ago on Donna and Ray Reish’s Character Ink Classes. You can read that here.

Ray and Donna have a tremendous wealth of homeschooling experience and they just love their students! They have been a tried and trusted resource for many homeschooling families – including mine – for many years. Donna is known as the “Language Lady” because she has literally written thousands of pages of writing material! She loves what she does!

Now, they offer even more options! Half – Day Homeschooling and Online Tutoring and Classes are now on the menu! Just click on the photo below to get started on a path that works just right for you and your family!



Doorposts Homeschool Co-op of Northeast Indiana


Based on how fast I see these classes fill up, I can tell this is a popular co-op choice!

Their mission statement reads:

“DoorPosts Homeschool Co-op was created to provide a faith-based environment where homeschool families could gather together in fellowship, friendship, and learning.”

Classes are located in the Kendallville and Auburn Area. Click HERE for their website.

Kroeker Homeschool Academy



This is taken from a blog post I wrote :

“The first time I came across Kroeker Academy was when I was reading their course descriptions in a homeschool newsletter and was thinking, “Wow, how do they teach ALL that in one class?!”  So often times I wanted my kids to take classes they were offering, but due to schedule conflicts, it never happened. I often felt we missed out on some great learning! I have, however, had many friends whose kids have taken their classes, and they have confirmed what I instinctively knew – there is a whole lot of learning going on in those classes!”  You can read the rest of the post here. 

Click HERE for their website.

Life Adventures HomeSchool



Since most of my kids have graduated, they have not taken any classes here, but I do know Jennifer MacDonald who directs Life Adventures. Click HERE for their website:

Life Adventures Homeschool Resources is a Christian homeschool group based in Fort Wayne, which is northeastern Indiana. We are also an open, inclusive group, welcoming homeschoolers of all faiths and those with none. We encourage cooperation and service to each other and our fellow man. We schedule social and educational activities and provide support for new and veteran families alike.

Life Adventures Homeschool Resources was formed to provide information and support to homeschooling families. We have a parent support group https://www.lifehs.net/supportgroup.html and weekly classes https://www.lifehs.net/classes.html. you choose what you want to be involved in based on what works best for your family! A variety of events are offered to meet those goals as well as to encourage Christian fellowship. Opportunities include monthly meetings (workshops and/or topics), field trips, Moms’ Night Out, Couples’ Night Out, field day, swim and park days, and friends and adventures galore, plus a web site https://www.lifehs.net/.

Northeast Homeschool Family Co-op


How 13 Kids and 8 Miscarriages Led to a Passion for Health, Nutrition and Training for Marathons!

How 13 Kids and 8 Miscarriages Led to a Passion for Health, Nutrition and Training for Marathons!

We are trying to keep the podcasts around 30 minutes and we really packed in an incredible amount of info in today’s podcast on health and nutrition – for recommendations for moms and kids!


Heather’s Top Book Picks:

Heather’s Top YouTube Channels

Heather’s Favorite Podcast

Supplements Talked About on the Podcasts

Check out Heather’s Instagram Page


Keep Moving!

Recording today’s podcast with Heather’s new grandaughter, Zoe!
