Have You Considered Music Therapy?

Have You Considered Music Therapy?

Not too long ago, I ran into a friend of mine’s daughter, Olivia Fowler. In our, “What have you been up to?” conversation, she was telling me that she had become a music therapist. I personally had no first-hand knowledge of this field and was fascinated by all the different types of clients she worked with and the results that were achieved. I will be doing a more in-depth interview with Olivia in the future, but for now I just wanted to share this wonderful resource. Whether it be for a yourself, a child or an aging parent, you may find that this just might help you overcome a challenging health condition, reduce stress, or achieve more balance in you, or your loved ones, life.

On the American Music Therapy website page, you can read about all the diffiernt populations where music therapy is used.

Do you have a story to share about using Music Therapy? Please share it here!

Volunteer to Help Fort Wayne Pregnant Moms & Dads

Volunteer to Help Fort Wayne Pregnant Moms & Dads

Volunteering has always been an important aspect of our family and while we had children in the home, our volunteering focused on areas where we could serve together or activities in which the children were involved. Five years ago our youngest child graduated and with that milestone for her (and me, since I was the primary homeschool teacher), my opportunities for volunteering changed. 

There are so many needs in our community, The Hope Center is one of  two ministries where I landed. While I am utilizing my nursing degree at The Hope Center, the organization has ample opportunities for anyone who is willing to devote some time and love.  

All you need to start helping at A Hope Center right now is … 

  • an open heart
  • a desire to help others
  • a love for mothers and fathers of unborn children
  • a desire to educate those faced with an unexpected pregnancy about their options – accurately, compassionately, and non-judgmentally

 The first step to being a volunteer is to visit A Hope Cener. You may schedule a tour by contacting 260.422.3544. There are many different ways to volunteer:

In-Office Volunteer Opportunities

  • Bonus room worker – Sort incoming donations and cater to our client shoppers who have earned baby and maternity items by participating in Earn While You Learn (EWYL).
  • Clerical worker at Hobson Rd – Help keep the office running smoothly with filing, mailing, tabulating, publication folding and cutting, data entering, ordering, and other office duties. 
  • Classroom educator – Our Earn While You Learn program provides educational opportunities using both individual and group settings. Use your specific expertise to empower clients by teaching a group education class.
  • Earn While You Learn Facilitator – EWYL Facilitators act solely as mentors/teachers to clients who have chosen to carry their pregnancy to term. They use pre-established curriculum and other resources to help clients improve their lives and improve the lives of their families.
  • Peer advocate – Female advocates have opportunities to provide peer counseling to women seeking pregnancy and STD testing and other services. Male advocates provide peer counseling to the male partners of women seeking our services. Both have the privilege to act as a mentor and teacher to long-term clients who wish to grow in knowledge, maturity, and wisdom. Advocates receive extensive training to fulfill this role. 
  • Nurse – A Hope Center is a limited medical facility. It is important to have nurses available on all shifts to provide nurse-administered pregnancy and STD testing. Nurses may also train as advocates in order to conduct all aspects of the pregnancy test visit with a client.

Other Ways to Volunteer

  • Professional consultant – As we grow, the need for professional support services becomes more important for both short and long-term ministry needs. All professional fields are welcome to apply!
  • Financial contributor – A Hope Center is funded entirely by local individuals, churches, and foundations so that clients may receive valuable care without financial cost. Lives are changed and lives are saved as a result of grass-roots investors looking for the most meaningful of returns. Will you be A Hope Center friend? 
  • Walker or underwriter at Strides of Hope – Walk or sponsor a walker at the annual “Strides of Hope” walkathon in August/September. Businesses and individuals may also help support the fundraising event with underwriting funds.
  • Guest, table host, table sponsor, or underwriter at the annual fundraising banquet – Held in April, the annual banquet brings A Hope Center supporters together to hear a great speaker and learn about ministry needs and accomplishments. The event is free, but guests are asked to partner financially with the ministry. 
  • Bargain hunter – Bargain hunters love to shop garage sales and clearance sales for baby and maternity items. Make your donation in purchased material goods!
  • In-kind giver – Many partners in ministry remember the center when cleaning out their drawers and closets. Like-new baby items and maternity clothes bless our clients in need. Just drop your items off at 3630 Hobson Rd, 3701 South Calhoun Street, or 4705 Illinois Rd locations during office hours.
  • Church liaison – A church liaison serves as A Hope Center’s communication facilitator within their church family. Liaisons receive church mailings for distribution to their congregations and are asked to follow up with church leadership to promote events and activities. 
  • Prayer team member – As a member of the prayer team you will be given prayer requests for clients (no identifying information distributed for purposes of confidentiality), volunteers, staff, board members, and ministry events.
  • Fundraising coordinator – Throw a baby shower for the Center to collect maternity and baby items for the Bonus Room client store. You could also collect spare change from your church or small group with a Baby Bottle Campaign. All the information and bottles you need will be provided by the center.

Questions? Call us at 260.422.3544. You can find more information on their website here. 

Fudgy Grain-Free Yum!

Fudgy Grain-Free Yum!

I know there are lots of recipes out there for grain-free and sugar-free muffins that would be “healthier” than these muffins. These would definitely not fit into a “low-carb” category food! BUT, if you, or your kids, have issues with grains, and carbs are not a problem, or in my case, buying a gift for a gluten-free friend on her birthday, these are a REALLY scrumptious treat! They are so incredibly fudgy!
I actually put these right in the freezer after purshasing. For whatever reason, I think they are the absolute best after you pull one out and after a minute or so, you bite in to what taste like a massive piece of fudge!
You can check out all the Flax 4 Life products here. They are cheaper to buy on line, however then you have shipping charges.  I have only found these at Fresh Thyme Market and Earth Fare. However, they are often sold out, so I always call ahead! And I just picked up a stash before posting this to make sure I had plenty in the freezer! smile
Volunteer to Help The Underserved

Volunteer to Help The Underserved

Volunteering has always been an important aspect of our family and while we had children in the home, our volunteering focused on areas where we could serve together or activities in which the children were involved. Five years ago our youngest child graduated and with that milestone for her (and me, since I was the primary homeschool teacher), my opportunities for volunteering changed. 

There are so many needs in our community; Matthew 25 is one of two organizations where I landed. While I am utilizing my nursing degree at this locations, the program has ample opportunities for anyone who is willling to devote some time and love.

By the gospel, Matthew 25 Health And Dental Clinic fills a critical need in our community, providing free medical, dental, and vision services to uninsured, low-income residents of Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio. There are many opportunities to volunteer at Matthew 25. Whether you are a healthcare professional or a lay person wanting to help those who are in need of healthcare, there is a place for you. 

  • Physicians
  • Nurse Practioner
  • Immediate Care
  • Physician Assistant
  • Nurses
  • Medical Assistant
  • Medical Scheduler
  • Nurse Health Educator
  • Certified Diabetic Educator
  • Nutritionist
  • Physical therapist
  • Student nurse
  • Dentists
  • Dental hygienists
  • Dental Assistants
  • Front desk
  • Intake Assistant
  • Translator
  • Host/Hostess
  • Clerical
  • Data Entry
  • Operator
  • Social Work Assistant
  • Medicine Room
  • Inventory
  • Pill Processors
  • Patient Assistance Medicine Intake
  • Patient Assistance Pharmaceutical Processor
  • Fundraising events
  • Mailings
  • Custodial and maintenance

If interested, see http://www.matthew25online.org/volunteers.

Do you have a volunteer oppportunity you would like to share? Please let us know here!

Kroeker HomeSchool Academy

Kroeker HomeSchool Academy

The first time I came across Kroeker Academy was when I was reading their course descriptions in a homeschool newsletter and was thinking, “Wow, how do they teach ALL that in one class?!”  So often times I wanted my kids to take classes they were offering, but due to schedule conflicts, it never happened. I often felt we missed out on some great learning! I have, however, had many friends whose kids have taken their classes, and they have confirmed what I instinctively knew – there is a whole lot of learning going on in those classes!

I got to know Miriam Kroeker at Fire and Light Productions, where some of our children participate in theater. I recently asked her to share a bit about Kroeker Acadmey:

“Kroeker Homeschool Academy has been committed to the Fort Wayne homeschool community for 17 years! Our goal and purpose is to promote academic excellence in our students through each course of study we offer. Involved parents and students have routinely commented on KHA’s rigorous and invigorating classes. Through the study of English, writing, Latin, history, logic, or speech, our academic classes focus on developing critical thinking skills while providing many opportunities for laughter and relationship building, all taught from a Christian worldview. Our music program, KHA Strings, covers all levels of string performance from the complete beginner to the advanced student with performance opportunities for all. In all KHA classes, students receive weekly, formal instruction along with clearly detailed, well-organized at-home work for the remainder of the week, so you, the parent, can remain actively involved in the educational process. Also, many classes operate on a three or four year rotation so students can enjoy a multi-year benefit.”

Here are a few testimonials:

“Our involvement with Kroeker Homeschool Academy has truly been a huge blessing for our family! The preparation for college level work has been outstanding along with the fun my boys have had and created while attending classes!

Deb, homeschooling 27 years

“The classes were very well organized. My kids learned discipline with their work habits. Although the classes were full of information, the variety made the classes interesting.  My kids are always telling me things they learned.  The Kroekers were very positive and encouraging.  My kids have all become better students.”

Renee, homeschooling 28 years

“My kids make absolutely no complaint about the classes and are glad to go every week.  Because they like the classes, they are motivated to work hard at their assignments.  I personally like the curriculum. I like the fact that they read a variety of books and write a variety of papers. This is a very thorough curriculum, and my children must work hard and apply themselves in order to do well. It has helped to foster virtues needed to continue to do well in their future education.”

Cheryl, homeschooling 28 years

“I love making music with other kids!” Elias, 4th grade

“I didn’t know I could like English!” Luke, 7th grade

“It was challenging. I learned a lot about Roman history and culture as well as the Latin language.” Tony, 9th grade

“Logic has helped me understand the fallacies of the media around us.” Adam, 11th grade

“These classes are very informative. I enjoyed them so much that I have taken four years of Latin and three years of English at Kroeker Homeschool Academy.”

Ethan, 12th grade

“This class really helped me improve my writing. It is a great class with excellent teaching from a very knowledgeable teacher who cares for her students.”

Gramm, graduate

Greg and Miriam Kroeker

If you are interested in finding out more information on all Kroeker Academy has to offer, you can check out their website here.