“The earth is the Lords, and all it contains, the world and all those who dwell in it.”
Psalm 24:1
We are commanded to be good stewards of all that has been given to us: our time, our money, our bodies and our world’s resources. We are without excuse for not taking care of what is clearly within our own personal jurisdiction. It is also our personal responsibility to be taking care of the needy among us.
What Small Steps Can You Take to Live in Harmony with Your Habitat?
Honestly, although we throw our trash in the can and haul it to the curb, there is no magical place where trash goes “away”.
Is it possible for you to reduce your waste? Yes! With just a few small changes we can make a big difference in the world we live.
Rethinking Global Aid and Poverty
“You‘ll never look at poverty and the Third World the same again.”
This is Insanity
I think we may want to consider getting past the term "Climate Change" - it seems to carry too much baggage with it and cause instant contention if you are in a room with differing view points. And it is not because people don't care about the earth or the future of...