“The Worst Public Health Scandal in Our History”
(September 2022)
Those are the words of Dr. Jan Maisel that open this video.
Dr. Maisel is a Pediatrics Specialist and has over 42 years of experience in the medical field.
The video continues in showing a representation of the vast multitudes of vaccine injury stories that are occurring all over the world.
The reality is that people simply did not receive proper informed consent for the Covid vaccine.
This has caused insurmountable damage in the lives of many, as you will see in this video.
I recently put together this video at the request of Bri Dressen, co-founder of React 19.
I have taken probably 60 hours of material and condensed it into 12 minutes. It is quite a compelling story, not because of my editing, but because of the immense suffering that has taken place.
Bri is the last person who speaks in the video. She was in the clinical trials and has had direct contact with the CDC, FDA and NIH. So have others in this video.
There are hundreds of thousands of people hoping beyond hope, you will watch the video below, and then share it with medical professionals, journalists, educators, lawmakers, and any family or friends that will listen.
Everyone has a right to make an informed choice.
I hope you will watch the video in its ENTIRETY- not only to be informed – but also to give these people a voice to tell their stories, and as Bri’s friend states, “the cruelty that has been imposed on us.”
I believe we all have a moral obligation to stop this suffering. Additionally, with the current push for boosters, people have a right to be fully informed.
These people deserve to be seen, heard, and believed
They truly have been treated unconscionably.
Please share it.
New Podcast Series (Starting May 2023)
We’ve started a new weekly podcast series called “Covid Vaccine Injury: Bringing the Unseen Into the Light.”
The goal is simply for all of you to hear the unconscionable cruelty, silencing and abandonment the injured have faced in their efforts to merely be heard and find help, and then hopefully inspire you to do what you can to help the unseen be seen.
Checkout the first interview here:
Anecdotals: A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.
While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle It poignantly and powerfully tells the story of what the vaccine injured have endured. And please note, anecdotals is a play on words as there are multitudes of injuries and not just afew.
There is not a politically right or left issue, this is not a pro-vax, anti-vax issue.
This is a humanity issue.
It is noteworthy that Youtube took this down after 24 hours. Several weeks later, they allowed it to come back up. Perhaps the tide is turning, and people are waking up. Whatever the reason, I am grateful that these voices are getting heard.
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioral scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.
The Unseen Crisis
Some who took vaccine with the noblest of intentions experienced unexpected debilitating aftereffects. Instead of compassion, they were met with skepticism; instead of being helped they were shunned; instead of being heard, they were silenced. Join us as we bring their stories out of the shadows so they can be heard and seen and no longer alone.
Many More Stories Can Be Found On These Sites:
Although heavily shadow banned since November 0f 2021, you can checkout my IG and FB pages, links are above on toolbar. Twitter has been flourishing with great information since Elon allowed free speech. You can find me at: Twitter.com/annforti/
These Are Various Sites Linking Info From Government Data Sites:
The blog post listed below was one of the very first I did. I kept updating it and it became so large, it may take a bit of time to load.
This blog post contains links to several government data sites:
REACT19 Can Help
React19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine adverse events globally. Their mission is to bring healing to the moms, dads, friends, and loved ones who are facing life-altering side effects from their COVID-19 vaccine.
You can share this site with your doctor or any medical professionals you may know:
This video gives you a quick overview of all the many resources ReAct19 offers:
Share Their Stories:
Do you live in Indiana?
If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, or prevent you from going to school,
I would urge you to check into – and JOIN – Hoosiers for Medical Liberty.
Inside or Outside Indiana
Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.