Keto Joy!

Keto Joy!

This is where we were truly fortified by others! (more…)
SCD Basics

SCD Basics

Basic Facts on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet:  Eliminates all complex carbohydrates (No di-saccharides or poly saccharides) due to the difficulty to digest for those with gut issues. Thus the diet is grain-free sugar-free and starch-free.

The diet is mainly used to help those with bowel diseases.


Vegan Basics

Vegan Basics

Vegan basics: There are 3 main groups of vegetarians; those that eat milk and eggs (lacto-ova), those that eat milk, but no eggs (lacto), and those that avoid all animal products (vegan). (more…)
Raw Food Basics

Raw Food Basics

Raw Food basics: Eating only uncooked food, primarily fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, seeds, nuts and nut milks.


Keto Basics

Keto Basics

Keto Diet Basics: It’s all fat, baby! High fat, low carb and moderate protein. The basic idea is to keep your body in a state of ketosis so it is burning ketones and not glucose, all in an effort to keep insulin levels low.  The diet generally consists of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, high fat dairy and cheeses, nuts, seed, leafy greens, above ground vegetables, berries and avocados, and healthy fats such as coconut and olive oils.
