(Originally posted June 2017, Updated August 2020)
Depending on where you are in your homeschooling journey, you may be very familiar with homeschool co-ops, or, like me, waited 20 years before trying one! Here, I review homeschool co-ops and classes offered in the Fort Wayne and surrounding areas.
Character Ink
I did a blog post several years ago on Donna and Ray Reish’s Character Ink Classes. You can read that here.
Ray and Donna have a tremendous wealth of homeschooling experience and they just love their students! They have been a tried and trusted resource for many homeschooling families – including mine – for many years. Donna is known as the “Language Lady” because she has literally written thousands of pages of writing material! She loves what she does!
Now, they offer even more options! Half – Day Homeschooling and Online Tutoring and Classes are now on the menu! Just click on the photo below to get started on a path that works just right for you and your family!
Doorposts Homeschool Co-op of Northeast Indiana
Based on how fast I see these classes fill up, I can tell this is a popular co-op choice!
Their mission statement reads:
“DoorPosts Homeschool Co-op was created to provide a faith-based environment where homeschool families could gather together in fellowship, friendship, and learning.”
Classes are located in the Kendallville and Auburn Area. Click HERE for their website.
Kroeker Homeschool Academy
This is taken from a blog post I wrote :
“The first time I came across Kroeker Academy was when I was reading their course descriptions in a homeschool newsletter and was thinking, “Wow, how do they teach ALL that in one class?!” So often times I wanted my kids to take classes they were offering, but due to schedule conflicts, it never happened. I often felt we missed out on some great learning! I have, however, had many friends whose kids have taken their classes, and they have confirmed what I instinctively knew – there is a whole lot of learning going on in those classes!” You can read the rest of the post here.
Click HERE for their website.
Life Adventures HomeSchool
Since most of my kids have graduated, they have not taken any classes here, but I do know Jennifer MacDonald who directs Life Adventures. Click HERE for their website:
Life Adventures Homeschool Resources is a Christian homeschool group based in Fort Wayne, which is northeastern Indiana. We are also an open, inclusive group, welcoming homeschoolers of all faiths and those with none. We encourage cooperation and service to each other and our fellow man. We schedule social and educational activities and provide support for new and veteran families alike.
Life Adventures Homeschool Resources was formed to provide information and support to homeschooling families. We have a parent support group https://www.lifehs.net/supportgroup.html and weekly classes https://www.lifehs.net/classes.html. you choose what you want to be involved in based on what works best for your family! A variety of events are offered to meet those goals as well as to encourage Christian fellowship. Opportunities include monthly meetings (workshops and/or topics), field trips, Moms’ Night Out, Couples’ Night Out, field day, swim and park days, and friends and adventures galore, plus a web site https://www.lifehs.net/.
Northeast Homeschool Family Co-op
I would like to start by giving a mega-shout out to all the moms of this group for their commitment to the education of their kids! I was probably 25 years older than some of the moms in this group and it was such a blessing to see that the next generation of homeschooling is being fueled and fortified by some very creative and committed moms. This was my first time in 20 years of homeschooling that I joined a co-op where not only did my kids attend, but I also taught a college-level speech class to the high school students. From learning about finances in regards to investments, to correctly filling out tax forms and how to prepare for a job interview, to creative writing and a CSI course for the high schoolers, to all kinds of science experiments and learning sign language in the elementary classes, NHFC provides an abundance of opportunities for kids from Pre K -12. Nursery care is also available.
The co-op meets Fridays from 9 -12:00 at Woodburn Missionary Church and has a tri-mester format, running 8 weeks per session.They also schedule field trips and lunch time get-togethers.
This is an all-volunteer co-op, where each mom is asked to help in some capacity – don’t stress – your gifts will be used for wherever you can serve the best! If you would like further information for NHFC, please contact Heather Bremer at: [email protected]
Northside Homeschool Coop
This is another great resource for your teaching needs.
Northside offers an extensive variety of classes each semester – From Art and Biology to Spanish and Latin. Some of my kids have taken classes here, or have taken classes directly with the teachers at their homes. I can tell you this for sure – these are moms that have that “teaching gift.” (Just saying – I am not one of those moms!)
This is a pay-per-class co-op which is different from an all-volunteer co-op. This set-up allows you to have the flexibility of just being able to drop off your kids and let the teachers take it from there!
For more information you can check out their website here.
Looking for Art Classes?
Creative Works Homemade Art
A homeschool mom friend of mine, Tara McClure, offers various art classes throughout the school year. Tara has the gift of teaching and is a wonderfully creative artist! All 4 of my daughters enjoyed taking her classes. I was always so surprised when they came home with their projects to see how much they had learned!
Tara has a love for the outdoors, and I think it really shows up in her passion for the creative arts. From her Facebook page:
“Everyone one of us has a God given spark of creativity! How do I know this? We are created in the image of the Supreme Artist! We are His workmanship. You are created in the image of the One who painted the sky, molded the landscape and designed the hummingbird. Just as our earthly parents pass on traits; the color of our eyes, hair, skin tone or tune of our laugh, so our Heavenly father has passed on His creativity.
There are limitless ways to use this creativity. It is my joy to encourage others to use theirs while they’re teaching their children. Especially in the areas of appreciating our Creator through observing His creation, incorporating art into our schools and fostering solid communicators through writing skills.”
By the way, Tara also teaches writing!
As of the date of this writing, Tara has a “Nature Drawing and Journaling” class starting September 14. You can check it all out on her FB page HERE

So Much to Offer!
We live in such a supportive homeschooling community! These are just a few of the co-ops I am aware of. You can also check out these local facebook groups and websites where you can ask a question on just about anything, and get an answer!
Click on links below:
Fort Wayne Area Home School Facebook page (FWAHS)
DASH (Dekalb Area Schoolers at home) Facebook Group Page
DASH – DeKalb, Indiana Area Schools at Home
I also found this EXTENSIVE resource from Life Adventures that lists all of the above opportunities, PLUS more – check it out HERE!
If you are new to homeschooling, I would encourage you to check out our first Forti-fy podcast episode. Click here to listen how we answered the question, “What would you tell a new homeschooling mom?”
Take a deep breath – there will be mountains and valleys – but it is definitely a journey worth taking!

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.