“For who can doubt that living with our deepest differences is one of the world’s greatest issues. Civility is a key not only to civil society but to civilization itself.”
Os Guiness
We’re excited to be starting this “Civility” conversation with you in an attempt to hopefully encourage – Forti-fy – each other, and those around us, to live a life of gentleness and respect, undergirded with love for all, even in our differences. We may be talking about some pretty “hot topics” on this blog. Great educational strength and great ideas are forged out of the crucible of great debate. We need those ideas. The foundation for those great debates however, is not built by shouting out and tearing each other down, but rather listening attentively to the counterpoints, responding accordingly with reason – not emotion and ad hominem attacks. We must value the personhood of those who we may disagree with. We are all made in the image of God. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Let’s begin there.
I wrote this for Kyle.
Human Library
At this event you will be able to meet and talk with those whose life’s story may be very different than yours.
Restoring Civility
In a world torn apart by religious extremism on the one side and a strident secularism on the other, no question is more urgent than how we live with our deepest differences.