Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

My friend and fellow homeschooling mom, Heather Kemerly, and I will be speaking at a local event this weekend  on the topic of “Tips for Homeschooling Large Families”.

In preparation for that, I thought I would sit down and speak with some of my kids who happened to be home over this past Thanksgiving to hear what their advice would be.

It was fun to look back over 30 years and review our journey and see that it all turned out OK  – and that is their encouragement to all new homeschooling families.

Please note that the ideas presented here are just things that worked for our family. Some things we did well, others things we failed at!  The point of the podcast was to let you know that whatever path you take, everything is going to be fine!

If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know!

contact: [email protected]

The Forti-fy podcast can be found on most podcasting platforms.

Past episodes on this same topic include:

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Stephanie Ripple reviews the current Indiana VAERS data, and reviews the vaccine injury story of Indiana resident, Bill, and his quest to find help.

To view Stephanie’s IN VAERS reports click steph vaers

Ashley Grogg, MSN-RN, and founder of Hoosiers for Medical Liberty, then gives us an IN  legislative update. Ashley does an amazing job of keeping us all up to date on what we need to do to insure medical freedom.

Sign up for the H4ML legislative updates by texting  the word UPDATES  to 260-286-0988

Ashley keeps those texts straight and to the point providing you with exactly what to do and say! Super Easy!

Be sure to checkout Hoosiers for Medical Liberty: HERE

Links discussed:

Videos of June 30th Health commission meeting: HERE


Here is a link see the tragedy that can happen with too much governmental control and why we are fighting hard against it.


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know!

contact: [email protected]



If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Horror may seem like a strong word; however, after you listen to this episode, I do not know what other word best describes what is taking place.

In today’s episode Ann covers the unconscionable response of the CDC, FDA and NIH’s  to the Covid vaccine-injured.

At this point in time, these agencies simply cannot be trusted.

That our government has done this to its people, is truly horrific.

As Bri Dressen states, “We the people, are going to win by stepping up and not accepting this, We must demand better.”

Please share this with everyone you know!

Links discussed:

Overview video of services React 19 offers:



Bri’s Interview

Kerri”s testimony 

Justin’s Testimony

Danielle’s Testimony

Angie’s TestimonySharyl Attkisson article on Angelia Desselle

Here is a link see the tragedy that can happen with too much governmental control and why we are fighting hard against it.


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know! contact: [email protected]

Here is a picture of the email containing CDC Deputy Director Dr. Tom Shimabukuro’s response to the CDC employee who was giving him information from Robert Edmonds, PhD scientist who had data on vaccine injury. “Thank him for his email and cut him off.”

This is your CDC at work.

Folks, please share this podcast with any lawmaker, journalist, and/or medical professional you know. We all must do our part to bring awareness to everyone around us, as to what is happening with the vaccine injured, and the deception going on in our government health agencies.



If you live in Indiana and are concerned about any vaccine or health policies/laws that may affect your family’s freedom, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Tune in to hear the discussion and check the links below for all topics discussed!

Stephanie Ripple reviews the current Indiana VAERS data.

Ann discusses the recently CDC data that was released – via a Freedom of Information Act, which showed over 700+ different safety signals. Click this link to hear this excellent presentation of the data:


Ann also discussed a new initiative from React19 for the bereaved- those who have lost a love one due to vaccine injury.

Listen to hear Henrietta story of losing her son:


Here is the link for the bereaved: To Our Fellow Bereaved: Remember Them



Offers an alternative to the official VAERS search engine, CDC Wonder.  Both are built from the government’s raw data, but MedAlerts has a better user interface, more powerful search capabilities, and more extensive reporting, making it the best VAERS search facility.  It allows you to search for adverse events by symptoms, vaccine information, event characteristics such as whether an ER visit was made or a death occurred, demographics, and dates



The Openvaers project allows browsing and searching of the reports without an advanced search.  On their Covid Vaccine Data page, you can quickly see the numbers of 14 different reporting categories; an overview at a glance.


Stephanie Ripple Bio:  Stephanie is Jesus-follower, wife, homeschool mom, massage therapist. She became interested in health and wellness 25 years ago when she struggled through undiagnosable health issues.  She loves sharing what she has learned in all the above areas! You can reach her at: [email protected]

Previous Podcasts on This Topic:



If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Whether you are just considering homeschooling, or have been at it many years, today’s episode will provide you with great information on a great resource: Indiana Association of Home Educators.

Ann sits down and talks with Kristen Bissontz, IAHE State Representative for Region 3, serving families in: Adams, Allen, LaGrange, DeKalb, Huntington, Noble, Steuben, Wells, and Whitley County

Kristen is a wealth of information!

This is a resource I wish I had when we were just starting our homeschooling journey!

Make sure you check out the plethora of resources on the IAHE website!

All About IAHE:


Quick Start Guide:


About Jay and Kristen:

Jay and Kristen Bissontz reside in the middle of Amish country on a 35-acre farm. Jay, an engineer with Navistar, is working in the area of vehicle electronic module and component development. Kristen is a program director with Classical Conversations; she is currently pursuing a Masters of Arts. Together they have 4 children, 3 cats, a number of chickens, and a faithful dog.

Our favorite thing about homeschooling is:

The flexibility to fit our family’s educational and spiritual needs.

Our region is blessed with a highly connected homeschool community.

To contact Kristen:

Email: [email protected]


Also, you can check out the podcast Ann did with 2 of her children on the topic of pursuing and funding their goals -they can make it happen!