Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Ann and Stephanie Ripple discuss recent events and Stephanie reviews the current Indiana VAERS data.

As always, people need to be informed and stay informed!

To view Indiana VAERS  reports click HERE

React19’s study on inconsistencies in VAERS report HERE

Good overview on Missouri V. Biden HERE

To see pictures of skin abnormalities after vaccine click here:

Previous Podcast on Injuries:



Here is a link to see the tragedy that can happen with too much governmental control and why we are fighting hard against it.


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know! 

contact: [email protected]



If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Ann sits down with Ashley Grogg MSN-BN, founder of Hoosiers For Medical Liberty to discuss what’s currently going on in the Indiana legislature  – only a few weeks left – and why  your legislators  still need to hear from you!

Important call to action:

Session is wrapping up, but we have work to do!

H4ML is ready to end COVID discrimination. We need your help.

Call Rep Brad Barrett 317-234-2993

Tell him:

“Amend HB 1460 on second reading in the senate to protect Hoosier Healthcare workers from discrimination. Add the language from 1127 along with protection against discriminatory masking of those using religious/medical exemptions.”

This bill is in the senate, but because he is the author he can offer an amendment.

Please be sure to forward this call to action to all your friends, especially if they live in District 56.

P.S. Please share the attached image with friends, family, & on all your social networks!


P.P.S get this call to action: text 260-286-0988 the code: scd

For information on mRNA in food, text FOOD to 260-286-0988

For Information on Foster care, test FOSTER to 260-286-0988

Get Legislative updates, text the word UPDATES  to 260-286-0988

SB4 info: H4ml.org/blog/lipstick-on-a-pig

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty HERE

Discrimination info: h4ml.org/blog/stop-covid-discrimination

Current update: h4ml.org/blog/4323

Previous episode discussing this legislation: 


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know! 

contact: [email protected]



Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Ann and Stephanie Ripple discuss recent events and Stephanie reviews the current National and Indiana VAERS data.

Ann also shares a clip of Bri Dressen discussing current issues with VAERS reporting.

As always, people need to be informed and stay informed.

Click below to review all of Stephanie’s Indiana reports:

This was a busy week for medical freedom warriors!  Stephanie and I were at the DeKalb County Commissioners’ meeting early Monday morning to give public comment on SB-4.  We have to say that the commissioners were all very engaged and listened to our concerns. It was a pleasant surprise.

On Tuesday, I headed to the IN Statehouse and was joined by Ashley Grogg, founder of Hoosiers for Medical Liberty. There, we joined others in giving testimony against SB-4.  On Friday, I was back with Stephanie as we presented at the Allen County Commissioners’ meeting.

All these events gave Stephanie and I an opportunity to share what was happening regarding vaccine injury.

It is so important for each of us to do what we can to get to know our lawmakers and keep them informed of our concerns.

Friday was also a big day for the release of  Matt Taibbi’s work on the “Great Covid Censorship”. You can click on the picture below to review the twitter files.

If you have never watched this 12-minute clip, you need to!



If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Inside or Outside Indiana

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Episode Notes

Ann sits down with Ashley Grogg MSN-BN, founder of Hoosiers For Medical Liberty to get an Indiana legislative update and an update on the VAERS Project.

Links discussed:

To review the public health commission’s meeting video “shorts” HERE

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty HERE

Get Legislative updates, text the word UPDATES  to 260-286-0988

Text the word FIND to 260-286-0988

To hear vaccine injured Danielle’s FDA testimony click HERE

Click HERE to view a sample letter that you can send to your commissioners.

Talking points to share with your friends and/or your local commissioner HERE

All Printable Downloads: HERE


Link to The  VAERS project HERE and link to podcast episode discussing it: HERE.

Here is a link see the tragedy that can happen with too much governmental control and why we are fighting hard against it.


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know!

contact: [email protected]

If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into  – and JOIN –

Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

Today Ann sits down with two of the many organizers of Stop Solar Farms DeKalb, Indiana, Jessica Shull and Andrew Provines.

Many solar companies are pushing to lease or buy THOUSANDS of acres throughout all of Northern Indiana. They have recently made it to county DeKalb County, IN.

You didn’t know this? Neither do many other people.

That is why we sat down so that you could get an overview of all that has taken place, and what you can do to “help maintain the little piece of Indiana we call home.”

Please plan on attending the County Commissioners’ meeting Monday, February 27 @ 6 pm

The meeting will take place in Commissioners’ Courtroom on the second floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S. Main St., Auburn.

The meeting will include discussion on the textual amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 9.05.

Links discussed in Today’s episode:

Sign the Petition:


Follow the Stop Solar Facebook Page:


You can message the facebook page to get a yard sign.

Email ALL of the Dekalb County Commissioners:

Bill Hartman: [email protected]

Todd Sanderson: [email protected]
MIke Watson: [email protected]

Your email can simply state: I am concerned about solar farms in DeKalb County. Please support the proposed amendments.

Although we did not discuss it in the podcast, here is the link for the 62-page:

Dekalb County Citizen’s Solar Assessment


Watch the Senate meeting:

Watch Kyle Barlow and Joan Null give our State leaders a much-needed education!


Please do whatever you can to bring awareness to this issue!

Thank you!