Last year, I started 2019 with a 3-day food fast.  On the second day of that fast, somehow I came across this 40 day sugar fast. I have no idea how, it must have shown up in my Facebook feed.  Anyway, although my regular eating habits include lots of good healthy food – my one weakness has always been sweets – yep – even those dye colored, sugar laden candies that contain all that stuff that I know doesn’t help my body one bit, but my taste buds love!

I had never heard of Wendy Speake, the mom of 3 boys, who facilitates the fast, however I really enjoyed her down-to-earth approach and love for the word of God.  She would do Facebook live videos in their camper, and sometimes in the middle of them her boys would be knocking on the door asking if they could watch a movie because the had finished their work.wink

I will tell you that it was during this fast that I spent a considerable amount of time in prayer for my family. And it was during this time that, as weird as it may sound to some, looking back, I really felt that God prepared me for the events that happened just a few weeks after the fast ended – specifically my son, Kyle’s, sudden death in a helicopter crash.  Now, I do not wish to scare you into NOT doing the fast for fear that something awful might happen. But rather, to show that God is intensely interested in drawing us very close to Himself and comforting us with his very intimate love for us. He knows everything about us, and His word shows us His profound love for us.

I am posting several resources here for you to check it out if you are interested in joining the fast.  This is Wendy’s 6th year doing the fast. She recently wrote the book “40 Day Sugar Fast” that she will be using as the basis for the  fast. As Wendy rightly points out, the emphasis is not on the fasting but on the feasting. “We are hungry people and we will always spend our lives “digesting something” to get us through.” Your comfort food may not be sugar, or even food, but whatever your “go to” vice is, I would encourage you to look to the ultimate comforter.

Here is the link to sign up for the fast and get more information:

Here is the link for the Facebook Group Page:

Here is the link for her new book:

Here is a link to one of my favorite podcasts – Java with Juli. I am currently working on another post about this podcast, but for now here is Juli’s interview with Wendy where they talk about the upcoming fast.

I will also be asking Donna to share some of her eating lifestyles resources that would be helpful in providing tips for controlling cravings.

For those women in the area that might consider doing the fast, perhaps when it is finished we could get together for a time of fellowship!


While my son, Kyle, was alive, we spent many hours, over many years discussing a wide swath of theological questions. However, after his death, and the subsequent events of his new baby daughter, Mercy, almost dying, followed several weeks later by the death of his and Hope’s close friend, Eric, (also Max’s Godfather)…those questions discussed in Kyle’s living room, over text messages and late night phone calls, have had to be answered and lived out in the reality of daily life.

I have been a skeptic most of my life…always asking question after question…followed by more questions. Before I make a decision on something, or gain trust with someone, I need a lot of questions answered. That has been true of my worldview as well.

Every one of us has a worldview, or in other words, a “religion.” A worldview is, in a sense, the lens through which you ultimately look at reality. Every worldview has to answer these four foundational questions:

Origin – How does your worldview explain the origins of the human race and creation?
Meaning – Where  is meaning anchored within your worldview?
Morality – What is the moral foundation of your worldview?
Destiny – What is the ultimate destiny of your worldview?

Faith in a worldview – really in anything, or anyone – is built on the gathering of facts. Most of us want some sort of surety that we have enough evidence that will hold up that which we base our decisions, our relationships and our lives on.

 “Faith is a foot bridge that you don’t know will hold you up over the chasm until you’re forced to walk out onto it.

I’m standing there now, over the chasm. I inspect the bridge.”

Nicholas Wolterstorff “Lament For a Son

I have been inspecting the “footbridge” – Christianity – for many years now. I am certainly not alone in those who have questioned, and wrestled with, the claims of the Christian faith. Do claims of Christianity correspond to reality? Are they logically consistent? Are they experientially relevant?

After all these years of examination, I concur with many others who state, “I am convinced that Jesus Christ alone uniquely answers the deepest questions of our hearts and minds.”

The videos below are a 6-part series by Pastor Tim Keller titled “The Trouble With Christianity: Why It’s So Hard to Believe” and addresses all of the above questions, and the challenges that come with the Christian faith. The series lays a solid foundation where further studying and examination can continue to be expanded upon.

After listening to these, I hope, that you might consider the evidence that Christianity offers the best explanation of man’s condition, and Christ is the healing balm for man’s maladies. He brings forth the abundant life – through both the coalescing of unfathomable sorrow, and ineffable joy.

The footbridge of Christianity that is holding the weight of all humanity is…I have found to be…firmly established.

 May you have a truly blessed Christmas knowing what love was born into this world – for you.

If I could recommend only one book to any one questioning Christianity, or faith in God in general, this would be it. Click on the book for more information and a short video from Tim discussing the book:

The Perfect Gift for Family, Friends and Pets!

The Perfect Gift for Family, Friends and Pets!

Do you love to give and receive REALLY useful gifts?

Then you will love my friend Susan’s homemade Sage Berry Soaps, Salves, Whipped Body Butters, Lotion Bars and Lip Balms! Susan makes all of these by hand and she is one of those very “natural” people, so you know you will never find “junk” in any of her products!

If you have kids or pets, you NEED the ultimate

Sage Berry Herbal Salve!

We have used Susan’s Herbal Salve for years – on EVERYTHING! Cuts, scrapes, deep gashes, dry skin, insect bites – you name it  – that includes on cows, horses, pigs, dogs and cats!!!! (Although, use on animals is just what we do – not sure if that was Susan’s intent!) We just wipe off the affected area with a little tea tree oil and then apply Sage Berry Salve.  Always. On Everything.  And we’ve been doing that for a lot of years with a lot of kids – and a lot of animals!

Many years ago I stopped buying store bought triple antibiotic ointment and replaced it with this  salve. When you look at the ingredient list in this powerful medicinal salve, you will see it is a POWER HOUSE chock-full of healing properties – comfrey, plantain, yarrow root, lavender, rosemary, tea tree – – it would take me pages to list all numerous benefits of all these herbs and oils! These are all known for healing damaged tissues, helping external wounds, minimize the risk of infection, killing bacteria, activating blood platelets to form protective layer of skin, reducing pain and inflammation, increase cell growth causing the wound to heal faster, decrease the appearance of scars, anti-septic, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal action!


Herbal Salve:
  • 1 ounce – $6.00
  • 2 ounce – $9.00
  • 4 ounce – $13.00
Herbal Salve Ingredients
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Beeswax
  • Comfrey leaf
  • Plantain leaf
  • Yarrow leaf
  • Echinacea roots & tops
  • Lavender flowers
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Tea Tree essential oil
  • Rosemary oil extract
This aromatic salve is made by infusing the herbs in a base of olive and coconut oils. After straining out the herbs, beeswax is added to provide a more solid texture. Lastly, I combine it with essential oils and rosemary oil extract (to help prevent rancidity in the coconut and olive oils). This is a favorite for families with many active children, who also share living space with mosquitoes ☺.

And I just love the fragrances of the Sage Berry Natural Soaps.

Eighteen scents to choose from!

Some of the oils used in soapmaking: Olive, palm, coconut, palm kernel, shea butter, beeswax, avocado, jojoba.

Current Soap Scents: ($3.75 each + tax, unless indicated otherwise)

  • Blueberry Butter
  • Lemon Sweet Tea
  • Spring Lilac
  • Pumpkin Spice – $4.00
  • Peach
  • Vanilla Spice
  • Lavender Mint
  • Cracklin’ Birch (masculine)
  • Fruit Medley
  • Japanese Cherry Blossom
  • Flower Shoppe
  • Spice
  • Peppermint Lime
  • Lingonberry Spice
  • Lavender Fir
  • Raspberry Truffle
  • Pink Peony
  • Pink Gardenia

And then there are the luscious Sage Berry Whipped Body Butters!

Dry winter skin motivated Susan to try this “whipped body butter” that she’d read about. The texture is reminiscent of marshmallow cream.She generally does not use it on hands  during the day because it is somewhat greasy – it’s not a lightweight lotion. But highly recommends this as being great for legs and body after a shower or before bed!
  • Mango butter
  • Avocado butter
  • Fractionated coconut oil (MCT oil)
  • Vitamin E
  • Fragrance – combination of essential oils & fragrance oils
  • Hot Apple Cider
  • Jasmine Green Tea
  • Lavender Mint
  • Peach
  • Peppermint
  • Vanilla Mint
  • Vanilla Spice
Whipped Body Butter: 1.75 oz of whipped body butter in a plastic tub ($7.00 each + tax) Please give 5 – 7 days advance notice, as these are made to order.

And Don’t Forget the

Lip Balms and Lotion and Salt Bars!

Lip Balm Ingredients:
  • Lanolin
  • Jojoba oil
  • Beeswax
  • Castor oil
  • Cocoa butter
  • Vitamin E
Lip Balm Flavors:   ($2.00 each + tax)
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Vanilla Mint

Lotion Bars:

1.3 oz of solid lotion in a tin ($4.00 each + tax)

Please give 5 – 7 days advance notice, as these are made to order.

  • Cracklin’ Birch
  • Fruit Medley
  • Hot Apple Cider
  • Jasmine Green Tea
  • Lilac

Salt Bars:

Coming in 2020

            These are bars of soap with a large portion of salt added to the soap batter just before pouring into the mold. The final bar is smooth and hard and does not turn to mush in the soap dish. The lather is creamy. I always keep one of these at the bathroom sink.

A little history on how Susan got started:

In the mid 1990’s I read an article in Country Woman magazine about a woman who made and sold soap. That idea so intrigued me that I immediately searched the library for any books on soap making. I found two, at the most. Nevertheless, I plunged right in after reading all I could find. I was so excited when my first bars actually lathered – real soap! I kept right on learning, experimenting, and having mostly successes. I gradually found more resources in book form, and then, exponentially, on the internet. Now, there is an abundance of information in books and online for any level of soap maker. There was no way that we could use up all the soap I made. Friends and family could only be gifted so much soap. So, I began selling. I expanded to lip balms, salve, and other products as I learned new things. I thoroughly enjoy learning about soap and other personal care products. I make various products for my family that I do not offer for sale. It would not be unusual for me to walk around to family members with a batch of soap in hand, saying, “Smell, smell.” ☺ I’m happy when they like my products and ask me to make something to meet a particular need.”

Check out Susan’s Website Here!

The information on Sage Berry Soap products has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

With the cost of health insurance premiums continuing to escalate, and deductibles continuing on an upward trajectory,  many people are looking to health sharing plans as an alternative option. However, often there is some lingering skepticism as to wondering if they really work.

What is a health-sharing plan? Typically they are faith-based programs where members share medical expenses in accordance with the program guidelines. The basic premise is that people “share one another’s burdens.”

I cannot speak for all health sharing plans, but I can share our experience with Samaritan Ministries.

We have been members of Samaritan for over 15 years. During that time, we have had some pretty serious medical issues, including shoulder, knee, and tonsil surgeries, mri’s, broken bones and trips to the emergency room. Enormous bills were incurred when we walked through Autumn’s seizures.

And you know what?

Every single cost was covered! And over 15 years, that has probably been close to one-half a million dollars in bills that have been paid.

You can read about our story with Autumn, here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!


Fact or Feeling? Clarity or Confusion?

Fact or Feeling? Clarity or Confusion?

Is it possible to know truth? Does the current culture even care about facts and logic anymore? How are your kids navigating through all the societal mores they are confronted with?


My daughter was recently working with several students on a project at college. She was explaining to the group the requirements for the project. One of her classmates responded, “Kristen, what you say is 100% truthful and correct, but I don’t care… I don’t feel like doing it that way.”


That is a simplistic example of a “Post-Truth” response.  A post-truth culture is one that elevates feelings and preferences over facts and truth. People acknowledge truth exists but subordinate it to their preferences. There are tremendous implications in a society where the natural out workings of this mode of thought is lived out. We can see those implications all around us. We now live in what author Abdu Murray calls, “A Culture of Confusion.”


The compilers of the Oxford English Dictionary annually select a word that captures the culture’s current mood and preoccupation. In 2016, they selected ‘post-truth” as the “Word of the Year”. That got the attention of lawyer and Senior Vice President of RZIM, Abdu Murray. His thought was, “If that is where we are, we are in trouble.” He thus put pen to paper to author “Saving Truth: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World”.

What do you when people know that truth exists, but simply don’t care? You give them facts and arguments, and they say they understand, but their preferences matter more? How do we navigate and affect the culture around us when logic no longer matters?


Our ability to reason becomes significantly impaired once we start putting personal preferences over factual truth claims, and indeed, causes our culture to become increasingly confused.


Abdu addresses all these questions, and answers them in a way that upholds that no matter our differences, we are all made in the image of God. He cares deeply on how people think and how they come to their beliefs and is sensitive to those differences throughout the book. Being an attorney, he has a love for how logic, evidence and solid argumentation can help the reader examine some of the most pressing issues in our culture, and come to a logically consistent tautology.

This interview gives a great overview of the book:

