Rally For Everyone’s Freedom!

This weekend there will be freedom rallies held across the globe, including more than 40 countries and 150 cities, all standing side-by side for freedom, peace and human rights.

The time is now to stand for truth and freedom.

For all the information on the DC rally, click here:

For all the information on rallies around the world, click here:

Why We Rally

With each passing day, more cities, and countries, are restricting the freedom of everyday citizens. This, despite the fact that there are now more than 140 studies showing the efficacy of natural immunity.

The CEO of Pfizer recently stated that the current vaccine is not effective against omicron, and the WHO  has stated that continual boosters of the vaccine are not appropriate. No surprise that they have more new vaccines on the way.

The latest ruling of the Supreme court threatens the medical freedom of every CMS worker, effectively turning them into a second-class citizen, along with every other non-vaccinated person.

Yes, Covid is real, must be taken seriously and treated early. See Here. Many may feel that vaccination is the choice that is best for them.

However, that decision should not be forced. Nor should people be shut out of society for not injecting something into their body.

Covid vaccine injury and the coercion of vaccine mandates are also very real and must be taken seriously.

Some states are now mandating that children receive the vaccine despite the growing number of adverse reactions, and the very grave concerns over recently released data from the Pfizer trials. See here, and here.

There are thousands of vaccine injury stories in the blog posts below.

You can also read tens of thousands of AE reports here.

Clearly, injuries do not occur in all, and many individuals may feel that any potential risk may be worth it.

But right now, most people are not even aware that any serious risks exist.  Not only are there risks, but there has been little help when things go wrong. Just ask the injured. This must change. They will also be speaking at this rally and they need to be seen, heard and believed.

We must stand together and support each other!


The sad irony

Please take time to read these vaccine-injured stories. It is imperative that these people are seen, heard, and believed.

Click below:

We rally so that we are free to move about society without “showing our papers,” allowed to have the truth known about ALL the risks/benefits of the vaccines, be given full informed consent (which does not even exist at this point), and be allowed to have access to ALL potential medical treatment options.


 This will be a historic moment as we unite with the entire globe for everyone’s freedom!

Don’t let the media spin the truth of this rally. Keep sharing the truth.

Click Below: