However it is that you found your way here, we’re delighted you made it!
The aim of Forti-fy
is to offer encouragement and resources to local moms of all ages by our team sharing knowledge, wisdom and inspiration on life topics that we have learned along the way, thus “Forti-fy’ing” each other!
You’re a busy mom with a handful of kids
and you need to find information on the best resources in the area on a myriad of topics ranging anywhere from health issues for yourself and family, needed school resources from tutors to athletic opportunities in the area, places to volunteer, and sometimes you are just wandering through life’s questions – and trying to answer these questions to your teens; but you don’t have the time to be chasing down trusted local resources for all these issues.
This is where Forti-fy comes in.
Forti-fy wants to help you by providing local resources for the information you need most. At times, that may just be connecting you to some of the best websites and blogs that we have found to be very useful. Other times, it will be one of us sharing our personal experiences on any number of topics. We also want to specifically connect you with local help in the greater Fort Wayne area and surrounding communities. The goal is to get you Forti-fy’d!
Between 4 moms: Myself, Heather, Donna and Trisch, we have birthed 38 children, miscarried and buried too many, have over 100 years of marriage, parenting, health and wellness experience combined. And we know a great many more amazing mamas who know a great many things that can share their knowlege! There is definitely some forti-fying strength in numbers!
We are absolutely NOT a team of “perfectly coiffed” moms, living in homes of perfect order, with 100% obedient, cheerful children. We live in well-worn homes and drive well-aged cars. We. Know. Mess. We have lived through mess – some of us with our kids, some of us in our marriages, our health, our spouses’ or kids’ health, and with all those kids, clearly we have had mess in every room of our house! We have spent a lot of time cleaning up mess. But you know what? We’ve learned so much through those “life messes.” The old adage, “Smooth waters, never made skilled sailors”, is true. The messes have sharpened us and have provided us with a plethora of skills, resources, and an abundance of great memories of God’s faithfulness in providing some great success stories along the way. Plus, we have had each other – fortifying one another – to press on…along with coffee and chocolate! (Well for Donna, scratch the coffee and make it a Plexus!)
Building Community
Forti-fy is about community – specifically the Greater Fort Wayne and surrounding area community. Forti-fy’s goal is to create a mega-resource for connecting people in the area to information they are looking for. From finding out what is going on in the area every day, to “Where can I find help with________”,whatever the subject may be; Answering questions like, “Where are some places my kids can volunteer?”, “Who knows of a skilled doctor who specializes in Integrative medicine?” to ” Where can I find out about Foster Care?”
Forti-fy will also need your help! We will be reaching out to all of you looking for your “favorites” of anything – Your favorite computer repair services, babysitters, coffee shops, health professionals, piano teachers, health stores, English, math tutor or art teacher, to where is the best place to find supplies for 4-H projects and all things craft supplies! Forti-fy wants to connect all those woman that are passionate about the health and education of themselves, their families and their community, and looking for great resources in our area to do that well. Although we are primarily starting out with an audience of homeschooling moms, the hope is to get fortifying information from all moms – and all woman – working, single, and stay-at-home. After spending the last several years being involved with social media groups made up of women who have faced health issues either with themselves, or with their kids, it is amazing to me the power of a mom on a mission!
It is also the goal of Forti-fy to host events where we can get together every once in a while to talk about anything from Trim Healthy Mama, or T-Tapp, to treating cancer and hormone health, to being good stewards of our money and our natural resources, to connecting with our kids and making it through marriage; to wading through some of life’s overarching questions. Always in these conversations, civility and respect will be a key component, knowing that we all come from differing backgrounds and represent a variety of worldviews.
Thank you for stopping by! We are blessed that you’ve taken the time to hang out for a bit. As of October 2019, we are just getting re-started and would love to have you join us. We invite you to become part of the Forti-fy conversation by joining our FB page here, and Instagram here- where we can share and learn together as we continue to forti-fy each other, walking along life’s way! Be sure to check out our blog here.
Ann Forti