Ralph Waldo Emerson said:
“A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.”
One of my sons, who loves the look of a “perfect lawn”, has always despised the copious amounts of dandelions spread across the lawn. He would align himself with Merriam Webster’s definition of a dandelion as a weed:
“A plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth.”
I, on the other hand, have come to enjoy the cheeriness of this bright yellow flower that covers the expanse, especially after the multitude of grey, dim late winter days that have stretched on for so long.
Since we have never used any type of chemicals on our grass, I have often pondered the question in my mind, “Surely there must be someone who would be interested in harvesting all these organic dandelions?”
Although, I have not set out on a venture to find a buyer for all these prolific flowers that grace our lawn, I have come to find out about how beneficial the dandelion can be – thus classifying it as an herb.
Years ago, I was having what I would term gall bladder pain. There is a bit of a long story here, but the bottom line is that I found out I was very sensitive to erythritol, a sugar substitute I was using, and that was causing the pain. However, in the process of researching how the gall bladder works and natural ways to keep it, and the liver, cleaned out, dandelion tea predominantly came out in the list of recommendations.

Click on this article to read more:
“Roasted dandelion root has a satisfying coffee taste and is herbal so there’s no stimulating caffeine,”
Katie Wells from “Wellness Mama” talks about this topic here, where she shares that dandelion root tea is her favorite coffee substitute due to its earthy taste.
She also shares a recipe for Iced Lime and Dandelion Tea. I think I’ll check this one out soon, as well!
For those of you who are interested in making you own dandelion tea, which I think I will try this spring, you can check out this video.
I try not to use dairy, although I absolutely LOVE half-and-half! Thanks to fellow forti-fy’r mom, Heather, I have found the delight of Nut Pods! It is half the calories of my beloved half-and half and has a great taste. It comes in original, hazelnut or vanilla flavors.
Although I typically just have the tea with a bit of the nut pod creamer, when I am looking for a “sweet treat”, I also add a cinnamon stick and a bit of honey – or a few drops of stevia – and just a pinch of pink Himalayan salt. It is a perfect late afternoon or evening “yum” – and every sip gives health to your body!
So, although my son would still classify a dandelion as a weed, my definition of a dandelion would definitely include a life-giving herb with a cheery disposition!
Since I am talking “Tea” today, I just wanted to share some absolutely lovely drawings I saw this week by fellow forti-fy’r, Mica Garbarino. Every time Mica shares her artwork on Facebook, I am amazed at her creativity and talent – oh how I wish I could draw like this!
Seep up your favorite flavor of tea and enjoy these drawings!
Aren’t these just so delightful?! Thank you Mica, for forti-fy’ing the space around you with beauty!

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.
I found this absolutely delightful and inspirational. Thank you, Ann!