A Journey of Adoption

A Journey of Adoption

A Journey of a Couple’s Heart to Adopt

In this episode of Forti-fy, you will hear the heart of Ashley Kellogg who chronicles her family’s 10-year journey to their first adoption – and how their ever expanding family now includes the addition of 5 special needs children, in addition to their biological 6, making a very lively and bustling home!


Be sure to check out the plethora of helpful resources listed below that Ashley has provided!

Resources Discussed in the Episode:

Adoption Resources


Gateway Woods is a local agency in Leo that works with foster care and international adoptions providing homestudies and other adoption services



Hand in Hand is a local agency in Albion that provides domestic and international homestudies and other adoption resources



Children’s Bureau is an Indianapolis based adoption agency that works with foster and adoptive families for homestudies and other adoption services



Special Angels Adoption is an agency that provides services for special needs adoptions.



The National Down Syndrome Adoption Network provides support for birth and adoptive families of children with Down syndrome



Reece’s Rainbow advocates for orphans with Down syndrome and other special needs by raising funds for adoption grants  



Empowered to Connect website has a podcasts, a blog and training resources for foster and adoptive parents



Facebook Pages: 

Indiana Foster and Adoptive Parents

Parenting with Connection

China Adoption Questions



ReplantedConference.org is a virtual conference providing hours of training for working with children from hard places

TapestryConference.net is a virtual conference for foster and adoptive parents

EmpoweredtoConnect.org runs yearly conferences for foster and adoptive parents


Books: (This is a great list for ALL parents!)

The Connected Child by Purvis, Cross and Sunshine

The Connected Parent by Qualls and Purvis

The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel

No Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel

Love Me Feed Me by Katja Rowell

Attaching in Adoption by Deborah Gray

You Can Adoption Without Debt by Julie Gumm

Feel free to reach out to Ashley at: [email protected] 

She would be happy to answer your questions!