Comments Given to Allen County and DeKalb County Commissioners:
Ann Forti
A fundamental principle I will be addressing is that of public trust in government institutions and how that trust has been eroded and why it is so very important to maintain some semblance of local control.
I will begin by reviewing the actions of the Covid response by the FDA, NIH, and CDC.
We have learned through congressional hearings over the last several weeks that the current administration worked with the FBI and CIA in conjunction with social media organizations to censor all public narratives that did not support the government narrative.
This includes evidence continuing to come out on emails between former head of the NIH, Francis Collins, and Anthony Fauci, making whatever attempts they could to silence discussion around the Covid pandemic.
Just last week we also heard testimony from former CDC director and member of the Covid task force, Dr. Redfield, stating that “more than likely gain-of-function research has probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has ever seen.”
In this, it was not only everyday citizens who were censored, but well credentialed doctors, researchers, professors, and scientists from prominent organizations.
The significance of this cannot be overstated. Had information on lifesaving Covid treatments not been censored and suppressed, potentially hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved.
In addition, had the public been made aware of the vaccine injuries that were taking place perhaps some of the injuries and deaths associated with the vaccine could have been avoided.
And here I would like to give examples of the behavior of the NIH, CDC and FDA,
In June 2021 my friend, Bri Dressen who was injured in the covid vaccine trials was flown out to the NIH in Baltimore Maryland, along with other vaccine injured to be studied by the NIH. They were promised by the NIH that the results would be shared with the general public, and with doctors so that doctors would know that if patients came in presenting adverse events after receiving a vaccination that the vaccine should be considered as a potential cause and to be ready with any possible treatments.
This has never happened, with the exception of myo and pericarditis, BUT ONLY WAY past the time they knew it was actually happening, and now even currently under stating its frequency.
There are actually over 700 OTHER safety signals that have taken place that are greater than the signal for myo or pericarditis – again that the general public knows nothing about.
Not only that, although the NIH knew that having early intervention was the key to helping the vaccine injured, they kept this information to themselves, leaving the injured languishing in their distress. Some left so hopeless they have committed suicide.
In addition, you had CDC Deputy Director Dr. Tom Shimabukuro’s telling the public that they were reviewing any injury reports.
Let me give you an example of Tom’s “help”:
Robert Edmonds, PhD and researcher was injured by the vaccine and sent the CDC an extensive volume of data on the issue, that also affected many others. A CDC employee sent the data to Tom to which Tom responded:
“Thank him for his email and cut him off.” (You can find a screenshot of this email in the following blogpost: )
You will also hear from long-time physicians who were injured and stated that, first, the CDC was not at all interested in hearing their concerns, and secondly, they were shocked at how untrustworthy they have come to see the CDC is. This is the help we can expect from our CDC.
In all of this, remember the only narrative we were all told by these health organizations is that the vaccines were “safe and effective.”
However, now we are even to the point where you have NEWSWEEK publishing articles with the titles “How Fauci Fooled America” and “America’s Covid Response Was Based on Lies.”
And remember how President Biden told us back in 2021 that it was going to be the winter of severe illness and death for anyone that was not vaccinated?
Now you have doctors writing articles in the Wall Street Journal quoting the Lancet study showing that those who had the vaccine, but not covid, were more likely to get sick and die, then if you were unvaccinated.
In addition, there must be an acknowledgment the conflicts of interest between the FDA/CDC and the pharmaceutical industry.
The FDA receives 75% of its budget from the bio pharmaceutical industry.
And were you aware that many of the previous FDA commissioners now work for, or have worked for drug companies, or received compensation for their work with them?
The previous FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, now works for Pfizer.
And are you aware that 75% of network ad revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industry?
The conflict of interest makes these organizations ripe for fraud and have led to devasting consequences.
So how does this relate to the governor’s health commission?
In June of last year the newly assembled Governor’s health commission – which should be noted, was established by executive order – met and made clear that they had a plan they wanted to implement throughout the state and if you, the county commissioners, did not agree to that plan, the commission was basically going to show you why you were misguided and coerce you into doing what they would like.
Last month, I sat in the senate hearing on the SB-4 and heard members of that same health commission basically say that they never said that.
But they did.
I was also very disappointed in Senator Charbonneau’s incredibly rude response to one of the county commissioners speaking that day who opposed the bill.
Why is all of this a concern?
Given the make-up of the Governor’s commission (Very pro CDC etc…stance ) and the fact that the CDC recently gave our state 50.6 million dollars, the commission will most likely be requiring – at some point (in order to either receive, or keep, funding) – that all counties follow CDC guidelines which in the future could mean anything from mask and vaccine mandates, and business and school closures, along with a myriad of any other demands.
I understand that everyone’s ultimate goal is to achieve the best possible public health outcomes. This bill may offer programs that hope to achieve that goal, but somehow it must contain language that gives you, as commissioners, the autonomy to make decisions that are best for our county.
You know better than we do the influence you have and the lawful parameters you have jurisdiction over. We are asking that you consider using whatever power and influence you must to keep our county free from ever- encroaching state control – which is ultimately federal control, leaving us with no options for choice.
In closing, at 12:30 this morning, as I was finishing up some work, I was listing in on a live space filled with the vaccine injured telling their heart-wrenching stories. The gentleman hosting the space was actually a military member… as were others in the group … and as a woman who was injured finished telling her tragic story she said …”We just want someone to speak up for us… we are so tired of being abandoned.”
There is no trust left here. Our government has turned its back on these folks, and really, to some degree, all of us. Please do not let them take control of our county.