Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!

In this episode, we review the Indiana legislative calendar, the legislative process, and why it’s important for you to be engaged!

The legislative calendar only runs for a little over 3 months, and it only takes a little effort for you to make a big difference!

Remember, your legislators are ordinary folks who work for you. It is in your best interest, and theirs, for you to get to know them.

If you don’t know who they are, use either of these links to find them – then reach out – always with the respect  and civility you yourself would appreciate receiving.



Be sure you check out the Hoosiers For Medical Liberty website:


Do you have a few hours you could give a helping hand to medical freedom? PLEASE consider becoming a volunteer! ANY time you might be able to give is appreciated – no amount of time is too small!


Be sure to get the legislative updates to keep you informed on any action needed. Text the word UPDATES  to 260-286-0988

Here is a link see the tragedy that can happen with too much governmental control and why we are fighting hard against it.


If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, let us know!

contact: [email protected]

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