Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!
Today, Ann and Stephanie Ripple sit down to review current Covid-19 VAERS reports. In addition there is also about a 9-minute re-cap of Senator Ron Johnson’s December 7th roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What they Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries.
Its purpose was to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and explore the path forward. The experts and medical professionals who joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable discussed the scientific background of the coronavirus, functionality of the vaccine, failures in the pandemic response, early treatment drugs, adverse reactions, vaccine injuries and plans for future research and response.
The full 3-hour presentation can be found here:
Offers an alternative to the official VAERS search engine, CDC Wonder. Both are built from the government’s raw data, but MedAlerts has a better user interface, more powerful search capabilities, and more extensive reporting, making it the best VAERS search facility. It allows you to search for adverse events by symptoms, vaccine information, event characteristics such as whether an ER visit was made or a death occurred, demographics, and dates
The Openvaers project allows browsing and searching of the reports without an advanced search. On their Covid Vaccine Data page, you can quickly see the numbers of 14 different reporting categories; an overview at a glance.
Stephanie Ripple Bio: Stephanie is Jesus-follower, wife, homeschool mom, massage therapist. She became interested in health and wellness 25 years ago when she struggled through undiagnosable health issues. She loves sharing what she has learned in all the above areas! You can reach her at: [email protected]
If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into – and JOIN –
Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.