Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!
In this episode Ann sits down with fellow health freedom co-laborer, Stephanie Ripple. They discuss the recent addition of Covid Vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, informed consent and Indiana Covid vaccine injuries.
Once again, the goal is not to give you medical advice, but just to provide you with information you may not be aware of so that you are able to make a fully informed choice.
Resources And Injury Reports From Stephanie: See Below
Links for all other items discussed:
Link to full video of vaccine injuries: HERE
Link to podcast episode on vaccine injuries and REACT19: HERE
Link to React19 Video HERE
Link to Paul Offit’s remarks HERE
Link to podcast episode with Ashley Grogg on THE VAERS project:HERE
Link to The VAERS project: HERE
Link to Hoosiers for Medical Liberty: HERE
Call, email, or write to your legislator. You can find their information: HERE
In response to the question we asked in this episode, “Is there a law requiring informed consent for the covid vaccine?” this is what was listed on the CDC website: “Medical consent is not required by federal law for the Covid -19 vaccination in the United States.” A person is to receive a fact sheet, but it is not a consent document.
Read full CDC response: HERE
Resources From Stephanie:
Information for IN VAERS communication
Sample letter to share with family/friends/public:
You may already be aware that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on October 20, 2022 voted unanimously 15-0 to add the covid shot to the childhood immunization schedule beginning in 2023. The recommended schedule calls for children to begin getting this shot at six months of age. The immunization schedule itself does not impose requirements, but it does influence how states decide which vaccines are required for a child to attend school.
I live in Indiana. Currently there are 863 reports to the VAERS system for children 17 and under in Indiana. The VAERS system is an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. This system is comanaged by the CDC and the FDA. Adverse reactions are widely underreported to VAERS. A large national survey was done of health care providers (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23597717/). Of the 54.9% who responded, only 71% had heard of VAERS. 37% had identified at least one adverse event following immunization, but only 17% indicated that they had actually reported to VAERS. Though it is impossible to know just how underreported AEFIs are, 10% is a VERY conservative estimate. That would mean my state of Indiana likely has at least 8,630 children who have experienced adverse events following their covid shot.
PLEASE take a few minutes to read through this sampling of adverse event reports. Click the ID numbers to see the data for yourself. Remember that these impersonal numbers represent actual human beings. They represent children who have experienced suffering and trauma. They belong to families whose lives were turned upside down for a time, some whose lives have been forever altered. Take action. Call your legislators and tell them that the covid shot absolutely must not be added to the required schedule.
(Copy the injuries above and attach to your letter, or it might be easier just to share this blogpost.) Link HERE
Sample letter to legislators:
You may already be aware that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on October 20, 2022 voted unanimously 15-0 to add the covid shot to the childhood immunization schedule beginning in 2023. The recommended schedule calls for children to begin getting this shot at six months of age. The immunization schedule itself does not impose requirements, but it does influence how states decide which vaccines are required for a child to attend school.
I live in Indiana. Currently there are 863 reports to the VAERS system for children 17 and under in Indiana. The VAERS system is an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. This system is comanaged by the CDC and the FDA. Adverse reactions are widely underreported to VAERS. A large national survey was done of health care providers (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23597717/). Of the 54.9% who responded, only 71% had heard of VAERS. 37% had identified at least one adverse event following immunization, but only 17% indicated that they had actually reported to VAERS. Though it is impossible to know just how underreported AEFIs are, 10% is a VERY conservative estimate. That would mean my state of Indiana likely has at least 8,630 children who have experienced adverse events following their covid shot.
PLEASE take a few minutes to read through this sampling of adverse event reports. Click the ID numbers to see the data for yourself. Remember that these impersonal numbers represent actual human beings. They represent children who have experienced suffering and trauma. They belong to families whose lives were turned upside down for a time, some whose lives have been forever altered. You absolutely must not allow the covid shot to be added to the required schedule.
(Copy the injuries above and attach to your letter, or it might be easier just to share this blogpost.) Link HERE
How to take action according to Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:
Read below or text to get the script. — 260-286-0988 the word: ACIP **When texting H4ML do not send more than one command at a time. Only use the specified letters or numbers. Do not use any punctuation or emoji. If you do not follow these instructions you may not receive the requested information, or it may be delayed. You may also want to save our number so you can find us in the future and don’t mistake us for spam. ** Call Indiana Department of Health 317-233-1325 Tell them: “ACIP added covid vaccines to the childhood schedule & Hoosiers object! Do not add COVID 19 vaccinations to the required schedule. Your State Rep & State Senator. Tell them: “ACIP added the Covid vaccines to the childhood schedule & Hoosiers object, we notified the IDOH! Hoosiers also have concerns over the impact of the Governor’s Public Health Commission on the local ability to control public Health directives. We expect counties to maintain autonomy & your votes to reflect that in 2023.” County Commissioners. Tell them: “Hoosiers have concerns over the impact of the Gov’s Public Health Commission on county autonomy. Counties are being offered funding in return for compliance with regionalization of public health. We elected elected you to ensure local accountability.” If they have questions direct them to our website h4ml.org/PublicHealthVideos You can download educational guides with more talking points here. |
Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance
This guidance was updated in April of 2020 to include “If COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate. In many cases, it is likely that it will be the UCOD (underlying cause of death), as it can lead to various life-threatening conditions, such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In these cases, COVID–19 should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I with the other conditions to which it gave rise listed on the lines above it.” And, “In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” So, much leeway is given when reporting whether someone actually had covid when they died and whether it was actually what caused death. We do not know how many people who were reported to have died “from” covid actually died “with” covid or were only suspected to possibly have had covid.
Timeline of Covid shot availability for children
12/11/20 EAU for Pfizer for ages 16 and older
5/10/21 EAU for Pfizer expanded to include 12-15 year olds
10/29/21 EAU for Pfizer expanded to include 5-11 year olds
6/17/22 EAU for Pfizer expanded to include 6 month-4 year olds
Other brands received EAU & authorization in this timeline, but the above lays out when any shot was first available for the various age groups.
Informed consent
A definition from the NIH website: Informed consent is the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention. Informed consent is both an ethical and legal obligation of medical practitioners in the US and originates from the patient’s right to direct what happens to their body. Implicit in providing informed consent is an assessment of the patient’s understanding, rendering an actual recommendation, and documentation of the process. The Joint Commission requires documentation of all the elements of informed consent “in a form, progress notes or elsewhere in the record.” The following are the required elements for documentation of the informed consent discussion: (1) the nature of the procedure, (2) the risks and benefits and the procedure, (3) reasonable alternatives, (4) risks and benefits of alternatives, and (5) assessment of the patient’s understanding of elements 1 through 4. It is the obligation of the provider to make it clear that the patient is participating in the decision-making process and avoid making the patient feel forced to agree to with the provider. The provider must make a recommendation and provide their reasoning for said recommendation.
Many health care practitioners are not giving informed consent to patients. Some will provide the vaccine fact sheet, which for the Pfizer shot as of today, 10/26/22, includes 21 possible side effects, but vastly different than what was released from the Pfizer documents. Even on the public “short list” it now includes peri and myocarditis. https://www.fda.gov/media/153716/download
Compare what the public receives to the 1,291 side effects listed on the Pfizer document which the FDA didn’t plan to fully release until 2076. Thankfully a judge ordered them to release the info much more quickly and we now have access to the 8 pages worth of side effects. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf
Deaths in children 17 and under reported to VAERS:
As of 10/14/22, 140 deaths are reported. Considering the underreporting factor, that could potentially be that a minimum of 1,400 deaths have occurred.
Offers an alternative to the official VAERS search engine, CDC Wonder. Both are built from the government’s raw data, but MedAlerts has a better user interface, more powerful search capabilities, and more extensive reporting, making it the best VAERS search facility. It allows you to search for adverse events by symptoms, vaccine information, event characteristics such as whether an ER visit was made or a death occurred, demographics, and dates
The Openvaers project allows browsing and searching of the reports without an advanced search. On their Covid Vaccine Data page, you can quickly see the numbers of 14 different reporting categories; an overview at a glance.
Stephanie Ripple Bio: Stephanie is Jesus-follower, wife, homeschool mom, massage therapist. She became interested in health and wellness 25 years ago when she struggled through undiagnosable health issues. She loves sharing what she has learned in all the above areas! You can reach her at: [email protected]
If you live in Indiana and are concerned that a mandatory vaccine policy might cause you to lose your job, I would urge you to check into – and JOIN –
Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.