Tune in to hear the discussion, and check the links below to all topics discussed!
Episode Notes:
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Ashley Grogg, MSN-RN, and founder of Hoosiers for Medical Liberty which seeks to promote advocacy for the protection of medical liberty and informed consent for all.
Ashley has just completed a monumental endeavor called the VAERS Project and shares why she created it and why it is imminently important to all of us!
Be sure to check out the VAERS Project website and share it with as many medical professionals you know!
The educational resources on the site are a great tool to share with family and friends as well. They will have all the information they need should they ever have an adverse reaction after a vaccine.
Ashley’s hope is that The VAERS Project will help increase the safety of all vaccines and improve the long term outcomes of those who may suffer adverse events or reactions.
Link for The VAERS project:
Click Here for the educational guide which is a great informational resource for EVERYONE:
Link for Hoosiers for Medical Liberty:
If you have any questions, or have an idea for a podcast episode, contact:

I am follower of Christ, a sinner saved by grace, trying to walk in the sweetness of life – resting in the strength of the triune God, who fortifies me daily with His righteousness, loving kindness and holiness of spirit. Read full bio here.